Borker has been the subject of hundreds of consumer complaints filed with the Federal Trade Commission and other consumerprotection agencies by victims across the United States and in countries abroad.
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and ConsumerProtection Act of 2010 tasked the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to gauge the level of financial literacy that exists in America among individual investors.
As part of National ConsumerProtection Week, the Federal Trade Commission has organized a coalition of public- and private-sector organizations to provide practical tips on a wide range of topics.
TheConsumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission are stepping up scrutiny of debt collectors, which have used Facebook to contact debtors.
Similar proposals have already been made by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and ConsumerProtection Act (DFA).
His Green allies in government will demand more consumerprotection and environmental legislation at the European level though these days even the European Commission, weary of criticism, wants Europe to regulate less intrusively.