The Long Pavilion walls frame a dramatic panorama of the Coral Sea with the infinity pool in the foreground.
In 1942, the battle of the Coral Sea started in World War II, when naval and air battles began off the Solomon Islands.
The Coral Sea teems with marine life: giant clams, sea anemones, schools of rainbow-coloured fish, painted tube and staghorn coral inhabit the underwater garden.
And thanks to the extraordinary generation of troops, we went on to victory -- in the Coral Sea and at Midway and at Milne Bay.
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It is a great diving spot, thanks to the red coral that gives the Red Sea its name, but as a duty-free destination where people come to shop, the city has ambitions to be more like Dubai.
Among the new measures proposed are the phasing out of bottom trawls, the heavy gear that scrapes material from the bottom of the sea - fish, coral and anything else in its way.
Even the beach is not what it seems: the coral reefs stretch from the shore far out to sea, and although Egyptian laws protecting the reefs are regularly violated by developers who bulldoze their way through reefs, tourists may find they have to pick their way for some distance over the delicate sharp reefs, damaging both them and their feet, to find deep water.
Even a small amount of oil spreading to the Keys could be catastrophic for sea life, mangroves and the already weakened coral reefs, not to mention an economy that revolves around tourism and commercial fishing.
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When Stevie dropped out in Hawaii, Jason carried on spending 73 days alone at sea to reach the tiny coral atoll of Tarawa.
Most of the Maldives coral is less than a metre above sea level.
The closeness of the main coral beds to the shores, combined with the water's float-friendly salinity, make the sea around Perhentian Besar and nearby Kecil excellent for snorkelling.
When the Planetary Coral Reef Foundation's research ship recently needed help getting permission from the Egyptian government to enter the Red Sea, Ludwig made several phone calls, and the mission was under way.
We're reminded that the "Titanic" director is an avid deep-sea diver: Pandora's rainforest resembles a spectacular coral reef.
Barrier reef: a coral reef separated from the land by a large lagoon or, in some cases, by several kilometres of open sea.