It this year decided to withdraw from the core group of sports overseen by the Scottish Institute of Sport.
"I had to hire a receptionist, an office manager and someone to take care of the computers just to work with the core group of three or four people, " he recalls.
Now, the core group of 20 students who organise the conference, with the help of a professional secretariat, spends two months travelling, doling out invitations to speak (unpaid) or to attend.
San Francisco decided to make another run with the same core group of players who went the distance in the first two rounds of the playoffs last season, then swept Cabrera and the Detroit Tigers to win their second championship in three years.
Then you can focus your energy on the core client group, and keep these folks so happy that they will never leave you for the competition.
The tenth international SUMAMAD workshop brings together all designated national project coordinators from the above-mentioned project partner research institutions and the members of the project core management group.
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Indeed, for predators able to attack the core of a group directly, the rich choice of targets there might actually make it a better place to look for a meal.
Although the party's economic core is still the group that surrounded Bill Clinton, particularly Mr Rubin, many Democrats reckon their recipe for economic success is looking uninspired.
In Pakistan, the Ministry of Education formed a Core Group including representatives of both the public and private organizations of all the four provinces and areas.
Scouts leaders have been divided over gay rights since at least a 2000 Supreme Court decision that said the Scouts had the right to discriminate against gay members if doing so was a core belief of the group.
Pernod Ricard said the sale of its soft drinks brands, which account for 5% of the firm's profits, would be "an important step in recentring the group on its core activity, spirits and wines, in which it will become one of the world leaders".
Anonymous also denied that the men arrested were part of the "core" of Spanish members of the group.
Using smart drafting, the team developed a core group of homegrown talent in Ryan Howard, Jimmy Rollins, Chase Utley and Cole Hamels.
Other assets yet to be identified will also be sold, leaving the group with core holdings in banking, telecommunications, property and manufacturing.
The plan included 2, 000 job cuts, a reduction in routes and moves to separate the core airline operations from the debt-burdened group.
The group of core participants already includes actress Sienna Miller, PR guru Max Clifford, serving MPs, and Christopher Shipman, son of mass murderer Harold Shipman.
At the core of the corporate group, or keiretsu, with which the insurer had close ties, were no less than Nissan Motors and Hitachi Ltd.
By 1993 he was running the Network Systems group, which would form the core of Lucent.
Recently Baidu announced that it will hire 30 software engineers in the United States, and this group will probably be the core team for developing search engines in other languages.
Rivera, shortstop Derek Jeter, starting pitcher Andy Pettitte and since-retired catcher Jorge Posada formed the "Core Four, " a group of home-grown players that powered the modern Yankee dynasty.
"Today" trails its rival in the 25-54 age group, which it considers the core audience, by a smaller amount.
But in fact the real goal is to hone her broad, soft support (from people who know her husband and like the idea of a woman in the race) into a core group of people who might be inspired enough to actually vote for her (those who agree with her on assault weapons and abortion).
But Josephine Quintavalle, founder of the public interest group Comment on Reproductive Ethics (CORE) described the use of human embryos for therapeutic treatment as "quite horrifying, " and said that stem cell research should focus on the use of adult stem cells.
The LEGO Group had also gotten too far away from the core values it had been building on for the better part of a century.
Some members are hard-core athletes, but the group welcomes people of all fitness levels.
CORE, the anti-Sellafield group, says he sympathises with people who might lose their jobs when reprocessing ends.
Some evangelical Christians, a core voting group in the Republican Party, consider Mormonism to be a cult.
He bought back the original headquarters, hired a core group of experienced watchmakers and in 1994 unveiled his first watches.
Rob Enderle, an analyst with the Enderle Group adds to the Computer World discussion pointing to the core problem with multi-core processors.
For the next several decades she had a core group of girlfriends she could laugh with.