The core values of an agency will foretell the kind of relationship the client will have.
Many organizations have gotten away from building a culture based on the core values of teamwork and effective communication.
In turbulent times, we must remain true to the core values of peace.
By spelling out the core values the company has spelled out what should motivate each associate and keep everyone focused.
FORBES: Foot Locker is The Leader in Global Athletic Retailing
It brought discredit on himself and his club and failed to uphold one of the core values of the game - respect.
Maybe the only thing that keeps you together is the core values.
The LEGO Group had also gotten too far away from the core values it had been building on for the better part of a century.
Employees got performance reviews for the first time in two years, with bosses judging their subordinates in part on whether they embraced the core values.
"We stand between the power of the state and the individual, and in doing so defend the core values that make this country great, " Clarke said.
"It brought discredit on himself and his club and failed to uphold one of the core values of the game - respect, " said Blackett last month.
This can only be achieved if the core values of the company remain constant allowing the organization to build on the successes that have already been achieved.
FORBES: Foot Locker is The Leader in Global Athletic Retailing
As we face these challenges, the stories of those at Fort Hood reaffirm the core values that we are fighting for, and the strength that we must draw upon.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Fort Hood: "Greatness Before Our Very Eyes" | The White House
Seeing his 18 grandchildren chasing the balloons at the end of evening was an impactful image of a man who truly personifies the core values he so passionately spoke about.
FORBES: Romney's RNC Speech Connects With The New Heartland Voter Via Core Values
Like so many CEOs in Northeast picking up the pieces, I would soon find out whether the Core Values on our wall would come to life in this real-world test.
For nearly 35 years, Justice Stevens has stood as an impartial guardian of the law, faithfully applying the core values of our founding to the cases and controversies of our time.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court
"Americans still cite privacy as one of the core values they cherish, but what's happening is this slow, insidious erosion of it, " said Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University.
For example, social media has blown the doors off the closed corporate culture, where customers want to know what the company stands for, what the CEO believes in, what the core values of the organization are, etc.
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Through their conversations and desire for a better world, employees now expect companies to play a meaningful role in their lives by bringing the core values of that company to life in ways that allow them to participate.
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Rest easy, true believers, the movie does a serviceable job of laying out a CliffsNotes version of Ayn Rand's epic novel without straying from the core values that made the book one of the bestsellers of all time.
The DA has been through numerous re-branding exercises since its origins in the anti-apartheid movement of the 1970s and 80s, but in the eyes of some people it remains a "white" party, led by a white woman, Helen Zille, and somehow out of touch with the core values of black South Africans.
And although that friendship and alliance has to continually be renewed and reshaped in light of new circumstances, the core values and the shared vision at the heart of our alliance remains strong, and I am very confident that working with Prime Minister Kan, we are going to be able to continue to build on that tremendous history over the last 50 years.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Kan at G20 Summit
So what do you believe is a possible methodology which governments, rather yours or any other governments in the world, they can adopt to basically incorporate the human core values, the moral values of selflessness, brotherhood, over the materialistic frame of thought which people work by today?
Fewer of those Conservatives are convinced that he represents the "core values" of the Republican party - more prefer Mr Romney on that score.
Each of the companies has a distinct mission with the same core values.
FORBES: Foot Locker is The Leader in Global Athletic Retailing
It also explores the impact core values such as faith, community and family have on purchase decisions and how many brands dismiss this important cultural segment.
In this case, what needs to be optimized is the overall mission and core values of the institution.
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In his speech in Birmingham Mr Duncan Smith said that all his party's policies were being reviewed - although he insisted that the party's core values remained the same.
America's immigration system should provide opportunities for people who share the country's core values to become citizens, thereby strengthening the nation as have countless immigrants have before them.
WSJ: Jeb Bush and Clint Bolick: Solving the Immigration Puzzle
It has been a long time since Republicans showed a fighting temper of this kind, unyielding in its contempt for what the choice of a Hagel represents about core values like the national defense, our stance regarding the most dangerous of our enemies in the world.
WSJ: Dorothy Rabinowitz: Chuck Hagel's Defenseless Performance