Jade had "suffered serious injuries that led to her instant death", the coroner said.
The coroner said there was no real way of knowing the motivation for the attack.
"He would have been well aware of the dangers involved in his sport, " the coroner said.
The coroner said had Mrs Dunlop's symptoms been identified, she would have probably survived.
If the car had not been approaching the crash would have been survivable, the coroner said.
The coroner said he was reassured that information was shared among the relevant authorities in such cases.
The coroner said Mr Halappanavar had shown tremendous loyalty and love to his wife during her final days.
"The whole family was severely damaged and life won't be the same for any of them, " the coroner said.
The coroner said the delay had been calculated at 15 to 20 minutes.
Police were not told she was missing, for eight hours, the coroner said.
The coroner said both the marine and his police instructor who was riding behind him had made a misjudgement.
The coroner said there was no evidence of interest in claustrophilia, a fetish for enclosure in very confined spaces.
"He had statutory duties to perform and at the very least he had been seriously misled, " the coroner said.
"There is obvious an inherent danger in taking ecstasy but it may have been unrelated to her subsequent death, " the coroner said.
The coroner said Mr Levesconte had drowned and taken his own life.
The coroner said Sergeant Simon Hamilton-Jewell appeared not to know that paratrooper units were in the town and might have come to their rescue.
No drugs or medicines had been found in his body and the coroner said he had a mental disorder that caused him to hurt himself.
She took PCP and several prescription drugs while she had a bad heart and was weak from cosmetic surgery two days earlier, the coroner said.
The coroner said the authorities did not suspect anything criminal occurred.
Recording a narrative verdict, the coroner said he hoped Mrs Carter's family drew some comfort from knowing that her death had prompted improvements at the trust.
No drugs or medicines had been found in his body and the coroner said he had had a mental disorder that caused him to hurt himself.
The coroner said it was a West Mercia Police course to improve skills, not necessarily high speed, and the riders were to ride within their comfort zone.
The coroner said there had been "gross failures to provide Jayne with appropriate care and attention regarding her mental health and I consider that her death could have been avoided".
The coroner said the attorney general's office has requested autopsies but, because of the condition of the bodies, it may be difficult to determine why so many patients died at Memorial.
After delivering a verdict of accidental death, the coroner said that by adopting a "seemingly permissive attitude", the Isle of Man government was failing in its duty to protect road users.
BBC: No plans for national speed limit: Isle of Man government
The coroner said he would write to the hospital in Sutton-in-Ashfield to tell managers to improve standards of staff training in the A and E department and in observation during scans.
"They are all superficial punctures, and I have no way of knowing exactly why they were done, " the coroner said of the red gashes on the right side of Goldman's face.
The coroner said it was known there were problems with the ANP and Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Walker, commanding officer of the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, had described them as "rotten to the core".
The coroner said there was "no evidence to how the fire was started", and acknowledged testimony given in court from mental health professionals which said the deaths could not have been avoided.
The coroner said it was "testament to her own physical stamina" and the quality of care she had received that she survived for as long as she did with the "catastrophic injuries".