The Egyptian Court system is composed of a number of tiers: Courts of First Instance, Courtof Appeal, and theCourtofCassation at the apex ofthe judiciary.
The 76-year-old already faces a four-year prison sentence and five-year ban from public office for a fraud conviction, which he is expected to appeal against in Italy's highest court, theCourtofCassation.
TheCourtofCassation also ruled that five senior Italian secret service agents - including the former head ofthe country's military intelligence agency - should be tried for their role in the kidnapping.
Both it and his appeal against a tax fraud conviction have been delayed until after theCourtofCassation in Rome decides on whether to allow them to be transferred from the northern city of Brescia to Milan.
Italy's CourtofCassation ruled that an appeals court in Florence must re-hear the case against the American student and her former Italian boyfriend for the murder of 21-year-old Meredith Kercher.