As a result, the Court of Final Appeal had no choice but to reject the children's application this month.
The only question which remains is: Does the setting up of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA) let in concepts of civil-law systems?
The Court of Final Appeal will decide on the case of Filipino maid Evangeline Banao Vallejos, who is appealing against an earlier decision.
The plant was given final clearance at the Court of Appeal in March.
The 94 are being tried in the UAE's highest court, which means the decision is final with no right of appeal.
BBC: UAE 'coup plot' trial of 94 Islamist activists to begin
However, an appeal by the London side to CAS has resulted in the ban being lifted until a final decision is made by the Swiss-based court of appeal.
Ms Platt said the "right and proper" outcome would have been for the appeal judges to have sent the case back, with the new evidence to a jury "as the jury are the final arbiters of disputes of this kind and not the Court of Appeal".
The referral of the 94 to the UAE's highest court means that the court's decision is final and there is no right of appeal.
Lawyers for the two men have said they will appeal against the decision at the court of cassation in a final effort to have the sentences reduced.
Harkins fought extradition attempts and his final appeal to the European Court of Human Rights has been turned down.
"I am waiting for the final judgement of the Lahore High Court and would then appeal in the Supreme court, " Malik said.
The teams will have three days to appeal before a federal court of arbitration and a final decision will be given by July 24.
According to an article in the AP, cases in Italy must pass two levels of appeal before the verdicts are final so Berlusconi, who was reportedly not in court when the verdict was announced, will have a chance to get his conviction overturned.