The idea is that the glove may have been contaminated at the crime scene.
Commissioner McCall says the crime scene was washed down, but only after evidence was removed.
Prosecutors have argued the crime scene gloves didn't appear to fit Simpson because they'd shrunk.
Mr Singh was not present at the crime scene and says he is innocent.
After some discussion, the police let him enter the crime scene and attend to the victim.
On the tape, Skakel placed himself at the crime scene on the night of the murder.
Some 15 spent cartridges from an automatic pistol were found at the crime scene.
The defending barrister also raised issues about preserving the integrity of the crime scene.
Clues to Keller's whereabouts came during the processing of the crime scene at his house, authorities said.
The defense also attacked him for not using protective footwear at one point at the crime scene.
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Question from: gage: Has any of the "real" evidence from the crime scene been saved from 1975?
And then secondly, it preserved the crime scene, which is going to be key for the FBI investigation.
"It is safe to say there was more than one weapon seized from the crime scene, " he said.
The International Criminal Court's constitution does support justice being seen to be done nearer to the crime scene.
She said she had no memory of stabbing him, but acknowledged she had tried to clean the crime scene.
The defense showed a videotape of criminalist Dennis Fung at the crime scene.
After last week's terror attacks, police barricaded Boylston Street and made Taylor's church grounds part of the crime scene.
He alleged she staged the crime scene to make it look like self-defense.
The answer it turned out was simple: Animals had altered the crime scene.
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The crime scene is the overlook above the Mulholland Dam in Los Angeles.
He also ordered the hosing of the crime scene after receiving a call, the report says, from Pakistan's army headquarters.
The lawyer representing the victims' families, Baris Kaska, said the court should examine the details of the crime scene.
Prosecutors contend the blue cap belonged to Simpson and he left it behind when he fled the crime scene.
He was asked about former Detective Mark Fuhrman's presence at the crime scene.
The announcement came Sunday, a day when people could still watch investigators at the crime scene work in white jumpsuits.
We can muck around the crime scene all we want, but the simple truth is that brands are NOT dead.
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Most were Americans -- FBI agents who pored over the crime scene, who tracked the defendants, and who later interviewed them.
As for Vakhaev, he reportedly kept changing his story to investigators about whether he was at or near the crime scene.
On Friday, they boarded up his Seymour Avenue home to preserve the crime scene, said Cleveland's deputy police chief Ed Tomba.
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All day Tuesday, the news focused on the gruesome details of the crime scene and those who were lost or maimed.
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