The government says the outspoken critic of fundamentalist Islam had been improperly granted citizenship, and now she'll leave the Netherlands altogether.
NPR: Critics Question Using Nat'l Guard Troops at the Border
Though Samina Ahmed of the International Crisis Group, a critic of the deal, says that would happen anyway.
Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic and a Vytorin critic, says that he thinks the rush to release the information was improper.
Tim Teeman, television critic at the Times, says he loved it as a child.
Even Takatoshi Ito, an economist at Tokyo University and long a critic of the bank, says that Mr Fukui is at last sending the right message.
University of Maryland business professor Peter Morici, a longtime GM critic, says the end of employee-price discounts will likely drop sales to about 4 million vehicles a year from 4.5 million, putting yet more pressure on the company's financial obligations.
Film critic Andreas Kilb says the attention to outward details - fashions, furniture, etc - makes Goodbye, Lenin accessible to all.
Attorney and music critic Ron Brune says the outcome is indeed tragic.
Time Magazine critic Richard Corliss says the movie is thin on original scares and fails to move the franchise mythology along very much.
The films were "morally ambiguous", says Scott Foundas, chief film critic for The Village Voice.
"A lot of people in the indie sector have a patronising view of people who shop in HMV, " says Simon Price, music critic for the Independent on Sunday.
Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Steven Nissen, an early critic of Zetia, says the Food and Drug Administration should have demanded Merck begin a giant study comparing Zetia with placebo immediately upon approval.
But Seth Stevenson, ad critic for the online magazine Slate, says the novelty of such news is officially over and that would be thanks to the release of a new TV spot featuring Paul McCartney.
Jonathan Meades, a broadcaster and food critic living in Marseille, says the young, urban French see British food differently to Chirac's generation.
And has PM Manmohan Singh, the soft-spoken technocrat with a clean image, lost the "moral high ground", as a critic says?
"Someone's going to be right, and someone's going to be wrong in the end, " says Allen Taylor of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, who has been a critic of the drugs and their makers.
Theatre critic Mark Shenton says it fell victim to the Olympic Games.
"In the first season of the American show, we were trying to create the despicable boss and the despicable employees, and I guess we just couldn't follow through on it, " says Hank Steuver, TV critic for the Washington Post.
Music critic Christian Bordal says a young English band called the 22-20s are mining some of that same territory on their first CD.
Shanzhai culture "is from the grass roots and for the grass roots, " says Han Haoyue, a media critic in Beijing, who sees it as a means of self-expression.
Scott, a former hospital CEO at HCA Holdings (HCA), has been an outspoken critic of the health law though at least one recent report says he is open to compromise.
Great performances, music and camerawork are the ingredients which make it such a great film, says film critic Mark Kermode.
Film critic Mondello says he was "skeptical" before seeing the movie.
India's central bank is a longtime critic of the government's heavy spending, which the bank says dilutes its inflation-fighting efforts by keeping consumer demand artificially high.
"Even if Google comes up with an airtight filtering system, that doesn't moot the charge that they've done something improper in the past, " says Boehm, who has been an outspoken critic of Google's intellectual property policies.
"It's a way of expressing themselves as a group, " says Miyamoto Masao, social critic and author of the book Straitjacket Society, who sees the oversized socks as just one sign of increasing independence among today's teens.
If this deal works for Prince - and it wouldn't for new or successful artists - then it could mean the end for music retailers reeling from the effect of internet shopping, says John Aizlewood, a music critic and broadcaster.
Russia, a vehement critic of American missile-defence plans, says these would violate the ABM treaty.
Andrew Stumpff, an outspoken critic of the ESOP model who teaches at University of Michigan Law School, says it's bad enough to risk your retirement savings in a single company.
"It's really an album about whether rock and roll will save you, " says music critic Lizzy Goodman (Blender) of Stay Positive, the new CD from The Hold Steady.