The highlight is a massive studio displaying his works, including a study for Man at the Crossroads.
BBC: Three days with Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera in Mexico City
At the crossroads you turn around to face back down the road toward the cemetery.
"There's a sense that we are at the crossroads of the world, " said Mr. Fertitta.
At the crossroads of Asian commerce today, there seem to be two deep worries.
Central Asia is strategically placed at the crossroads between Europe and China, Russia and Iran.
Perhaps now we were at the crossroads, perhaps we had his attention at last.
At the intersection of Hwy 61 and Hwy 49 just north of Clarksdale, Mississippi, you will find The Crossroads.
His parents have begun a campaign to improve the signposting and safety of the crossroads.
At the crossroads of the Americas, music traveled from around the world on ships, trains and radio.
Venice stood at the crossroads of east and west, Asia and Europe, and it avidly cashed in on its location.
The film successfully captures the precarious state of the country, as it stands at the crossroads to change.
FORBES: 2011: For China, It's The Year Of Living Dangerously
"It did begin with the words 'Ulster stands at the crossroads', " he said.
You didn't feel only as if you were having lunch at a fancy restaurant, but at the crossroads of civilization.
It was a stellar year for jazz, which was at the crossroads between "old" jazz and new, breakthrough music forms.
But for the first time in their careers, the lads of U2 are standing at the crossroads: Are they hip?
CNN: Entertainment - U2's latest a muddle of music both memorable, middling
Geographically and historically, lying at the crossroads of three continents, where East meets West, Cyprus forms a bridge between different cultures and religions.
His documentary, "The Brotherhood, " part of PBS's "America at the Crossroads Series, " will air tomorrow, Friday, April 20th on PBS stations.
Hence Rove's group, getting ready to do some reverse RINO-hunting of its own with a spinoff of the Crossroads super PAC.
Is this not something many of the CEOs face all the time, as they find themselves at the crossroads of change?
Usually, an athlete has a choice to follow either one of two paths when they reach the crossroads of their career.
"I feel like I'm standing at the crossroads of history, " Chen said ahead of the visit, the state-run China Daily newspaper reported.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is sponsoring a one-hour documentary, American Business at the Crossroads.
It was still early when they arrived there, ten to eleven when Bartholomew drew up outside the Spar shop at the crossroads.
Because I am a Chinese native and American citizen, I have straddled two cultures and lived at the crossroads of the East and West.
FORBES: The Biggest Story of Our Time: The Rise of China's Middle Class
The Crossroads Art District, home to more than 100 independent galleries, has become one of the most concentrated arts districts in the country.
John Davis, an HBS management professor and faculty chair of the Crossroads Program, says many bosses lack "good thermostats" for gauging their levels of fatigue.
Where London, Paris and Frankfurt were the traditional change-hubs, today Dubai, Doha and Abu Dhabi are perfectly placed at the crossroads of east and west.
And, says Mr Staunton, Clapton's experiences as a heroin addict led him to create the Crossroads Centre, a rehab unit in Antigua which opened in 1993.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Clapton's guitar 'genius' legacy
An hour later, we checked in with the police, who noted our presence in a ledger, and caught a minivan to the crossroads town of Al Qadarif.
You live at the crossroads of East and South Asia.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the University of Yangon