The on-set sequences are savagely satirical, as a diva feeds her dog caviar while Stracci looks on, actors in the Crucifixion scene pick their noses or laugh at inappropriate moments, and crew members call out for the crown of thorns as if it were hardware.
The centerpiece of the gala evening, and of the exhibit, was a huge crown of thorns that hung from the ceiling.
WSJ: Promoting 'The Bible' With Crown of Thorn
Glen De'ath from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and colleagues determined that tropical cyclones - 34 in total since 1985 - were responsible for 48% of the damage, while outbreaks of the coral-feeding crown-of-thorns starfish accounted for 42%.
BBC: Half of Great Barrier Reef coral lost in last 27 years
Although it is a natural inhabitant of the Great Barrier Reef, the crown-of-thorns has, in recent years, undergone several population explosions.
ECONOMIST: A new study puts numbers to the Great Barrier Reef��s decline
The remaining two-fifths, they say, was predation by the crown-of-thorns starfish.
ECONOMIST: The Great Barrier Reef: Dr De��ath v the killer starfish | The
John Gunn, head of AIMS, said it was difficult to stop the storms and bleaching but researchers could focus their short-term efforts on the crown-of-thorns starfish, which feasts on coral polyps and can devastate reef cover.
BBC: Half of Great Barrier Reef coral lost in last 27 years
The big question: Where in the heck would this enormous crown of thorns be going once the Bible Experience no longer had a use for it?
WSJ: Promoting 'The Bible' With Crown of Thorn
There are also props from the show, like a crown of thorns used on location in Morocco in the spring of 2012and a chalice from the same set.
WSJ: Promoting 'The Bible' With Crown of Thorn
The World Wildlife Fund offers a commercial tour in Palau, Micronesia on which snorkelers can help their guide remove the invasive crown-of-thorns starfish, which every day eat their weight in coral polyps from fragile reefs.
BBC: Hunting possums �C and ecological balance �C in New Zealand
They had spent months on it, secretly collecting firewood, carving it -- the cross and the body -- using radio wire for a crown of thorns.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Awards Chaplain Emil Kapaun the Medal of Honor | The White House