This is the crucial question for all the upmarket titles over the coming months.
Then there is the crucial question of what the next step should be.
These attitudes may affect the political support for the current SCHIP bill and the crucial question of who should qualify.
The first, the crucial question for Mr Smith, will he make pension insurance retrospective to help Willie and his colleagues?
We know that alcohol was important, but the crucial question is why did people feel the need to drink dangerously?
But as most prisoners spend less than three years in jail, the crucial question is what happens when they are released.
The crucial question is one that the Bank does actually ask: can rapid growth persist over long periods without improving the lot of the poor?
This is where our social attitudes, our political direction and our national security converge- in the crucial question about the state of our national resilience.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From fashion to fortitude: the road to resilience
Some improvements were bound to happen, given the sheer amount of money pumped into the NHS. The crucial question is whether they represent value for money.
The crucial question now is whether European governments should put their drive towards ever closer union on hold, or whether they should keep moving in the direction of a federal superstate.
Young told the Radio Times that she forgot the crucial question because the interview had been "so intense and had such a surreal quality about it" that her "mind was busy doing cartwheels of joy".
But lost as the Senate prepares to vote on the bill later this week is the most crucial question: whether the proposed funding to alleviate congestion in the packed skies is adequate.
The court heard arguments in February, only to kick the case back with a crucial question: Does the Alien Tort Statute allow such lawsuits at all?
FORBES: Supreme Court Mulls Affirmative Action, Class Actions In Fall Docket
This mixing is described by some deft but complicated mathematics, and is crucial to the question of asymmetry.
The question is crucial to the health of American mouths.
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One suspects that Lansana Gberies' contacts with politicians are rather better than his contacts with the military because this book does not really answer this crucial question - perhaps that should be the subject of his next study.
Getting the question right is crucial to pulling the disparate ideas of the team together.
Kicking things back off is a simple, albeit crucial question considering the dearth of time remaining before vacation kicks in, family members you didn't even know you had start showing up and offspring of all ages begin to clamor for a little high-definition movie action.
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget HD: Which HD DVD player should I pick up for the holidays?
Patronage networks pervade the Afghan forces, and a crucial question is whether they can avoid splintering along ethnic and patronage lines after 2014.
CNN: Karzai visit a time for tough talk on security, corruption
It is if, or when, the permanent bail-out fund starts to prove inadequate that the question of the future oversight of national economies becomes crucial.
The bigger question is whether the Italian people, most of whom did not bother to vote in a crucial referendum on the constitution only last month, have the will to revamp their constitution.
The question of Palestinian UN membership also provides a crucial test of whether Britain is actually able to act with greater independence internationally.
There's little question our big cities are crucial to getting the economy growing again.
But as the debate over the marriage rumbles on, Kenyans will continue to forget one crucial question: would a marriage between an 67-year-old man and a 25-year-old-girl have caused such a furore?
On the question of stability, the next two years could prove crucial.
ECONOMIST: Uzbekistan's president is returned to office, surprise
The question of who succeeds Mr Mori, for instance, is crucial to the battle over banking policy.
Ryan spoke to this question in the Hewitt interview, and his comments exposed another crucial facet of clueless conservatism.
This is a crucial question that contines to be debated, of course, and the impression some may have is that, yes, the pharmaceutical industry is gradually replenishing its supply of needed new medicines.