The jury heard how Grenfell had offered to plead guilty to the culpable homicide of Mr Simpson.
Two men have admitted the culpable homicide of a former soldier after he went to the aid of his boss.
He said that having considered the submissions over the weekend, he considered there was no "legal sufficiency" in respect of the culpable homicide charge.
The jury heard how Grenfell had offered to plead guilty to the culpable homicide of Mr Simpson, claiming he had never "set out" to kill the pensioner.
In an unrelated case, the athlete's brother, Carl Pistorius, appeared in court on Wednesday charged with the culpable homicide of a female motorcyclist in a 2008 road crash.
Although the culpable homicide charge against Carl Pistorius was initially dropped, it was reinstated earlier this year because forensic evidence and reports from the accident scene became available, it quotes prosecutors as saying.
BBC: Oscar Pistorius brother Carl in court in homicide trial
However, if the cooperator is culpable in the horrific behavior, it is hard to have sympathy for the cooperator simply because he testified against his partner in crime in exchange for a lighter sentence.
Not dissimilar to the UBS process of rounding up the potential players involved and then figuring out which are the most culpable.
FORBES: IRS Yanks Criminal Amnesty Deal From Taxpayers With Secret Bank Leumi Accounts
Clinton was carefully worded as not to make the U.S. fully culpable for the Pakistani deaths.
WSJ: U.S. Apologizes to Pakistan, Says Supply Routes to Reopen
Their silence is the best evidence of who is culpable for the increases.
Prosecutors in his trial in nearby Virginia Beach contended that both the shooter and spotter were equally culpable in the attacks.
Several categories of individuals are categorically prevented from benefiting from the program, including individuals themselves culpable for the violation they are informing upon to the SEC, as well as foreign government officials.
FORBES: Dialing for Dollars - SEC Adopts Program to Pay Bounties to Whistleblowers
The IRS, not Wertheimer, is culpable for the abuse of power.
Many people feel the reason there have been no criminal charges filed against Lehman executives is because the SEC is actually culpable, since they were inside the bank!
FORBES: What Have We Learned From Lehman's Monumental Failure?
He was also being sought by the police for theft, fraud and culpable homicide in the Roodepoort area of Johannesburg.
FORBES: Fake South African Billionaire Arrested For Fraud, Homicide Charges
The charge of culpable homicide in Bangladesh carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.
Mr McKenzie, 55, was not in court to face the charge of culpable and reckless conduct.
The Crown accepted their guilty pleas to the charge of culpable homicide.
The incumbents are culpable for letting a bad system fester for so long, and Mr Cameron produced a better and bolder response than Mr Brown.
While such a toe-the-line decision would generate sighs of relief in the boardrooms of otherwise culpable investment banks, accounting firms and law firms, it is the groans of disappointment at the kitchen tables of victimized shareholders that should ultimately resonate more loudly.
My position is go after the senior executives and board members, who were more culpable for causing the bankruptcy than the unemployed workers.
FORBES: Lehman Brothers Cited For Repo 105 In Promissory Note Case
"Essentially, Mr. Mezvinsky takes the position that even though he may have engaged in much (although not all) of the conduct attributed to him in the indictment, he did not manifest criminally culpable intent, " the notice states.
But the Vatican does not accept Pius XII was culpable of assenting to the Holocaust, and - even if it did - it would be impossible to cast blame on a pope whom the current pope has begun moves to beatify.
In the case of Miles Connors, his term reflected the fact that his "personal involvement was at a relatively less culpable level than the others, for a shorter period, and that there was genuine mitigation as he sought to prevent some of the worst manifestations of a conspiracy into which he had for all practical purposes effectively married".
But a jury last month found her guilty of the lesser charge of culpable homicide.
He could check mate himself on the board if found culpable, banned for life from running News Corp.
Now, an Indian court has ruled that he should face the serious charge of culpable homicide for a hit-and-run incident in 2002.
He was originally charged with murdering the father-of-three, who bled to death after being stabbed, but the Crown accepted a guilty plea to the lesser charge of culpable homicide.
Mr Raghuvanshi said on Sunday that the nine would be formally charged with culpable homicide and causing death by negligence, once the investigation into the accident had been completed.
Hadden, who was originally charged with murder, was convicted of culpable homicide at the High Court in Glasgow.