The bull turned and lumbered through the grass, his horn silhouetted against the darkening sky.
Growth-sensitive stocks continued to underperform as investors fretted about the darkening global growth outlook.
The market is tough because of the darkening economic outlook, the weak dollar and the housing slowdown.
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Investors flocked to the safety of long-term government bonds, providing a tin lining to the darkening clouds over the economy.
After the darkening yard the kitchen was hot and bright and queer.
The evening sky was pale and empty and the light from the kitchen window made a yellow square reflection in the darkening yard.
The water reflected the gray-blue of the darkening sky, and the lights of the water-pumping stations had come on, making them look like a line of floating gazebos.
The dwellers around him in the hamlet had also finished their dinners, and the smoke from cow-dung fires hung over the darkening roofs, a harsh spicy smell, like rough tobacco.
You will have a Surreal view of the sun setting, with pink streaks in the sky, white houses clinging like barnacles to the darkening mountains and the sea turning to steel.
Two elephants lurk in the darkening room.
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They declined one offer from the umpires but with the golden sunlight darkening by the second, eventually it was decided to conclude an absorbing contest on Monday.
Scott saw the sky darkening and knew there wasn't much more time for more holes.
The continuing exodus of the country's Gypsies is also darkening the mood.
As ever, the argument would be that the Bank cannot hope to control what is happening across the Channel, or prevent it from darkening the prospects for the UK. But it can do all it can to offset the upward pressure on bank funding costs and the downward effects on confidence.
Now deep into October, the ambiance of Fredrik's debut makes it the perfect compliment to the changing leaves and darkening skies of the season.
Moreover, structural reforms to boost growth have been implemented slowly while the forecast for European economies has dimmed, further darkening the outlook for Greece.
In all three places the outlook is darkening in large part because of mistakes made in Brussels, Frankfurt and Berlin.
But many worry that, at a time of widespread crisis, such pro-cyclical rules risk imposing too much austerity too widely, thus darkening the spectre of recession and making it even harder to balance budgets.
These figures will add to fears that the employment outlook is darkening.
Consumers' sentiment soured more than expected in June, darkening for the fourth month in a row, according to the Conference Board's preliminary consumer confidence index.
He painted directly onto this surface, often in acrylics, sometimes brushing on a layer of darkening varnish before the paint cured.
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You know, these people thought the worst was over and suddenly to see those skies darkening again and for that rain to come back again and the winds to pick up again, it's going to terrify them I'd imagine.
These particles warm the planet by several mechanisms, including darkening snow so it absorbs more solar energy.
Markets have been tumbling around the world, in reaction to a darkening global economic landscape - and some equally dark language that politicians have been using to describe it.
While the damaging effects of "crash-gate" were discussed extensively under Singapore's darkening skies, many in F1 were unwilling to comment publicly on the punishment doled out by the FIA in Paris on Monday.
Strength in the value of the dollar index on Wednesday was dually-driven by positive developments within the U.S. economy, and darkening financial prospects in Europe.
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The company is also working on continuously variable darkening (current models have only two settings) and windows that are powered entirely by self-contained solar cells.
Latisse uses sterile wands for each application, but carries other risks, including eye redness and itchiness, and skin darkening, which goes away after the product is no longer used.
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