The deaf, like dyslexics, rarely win spelling bees, as they tend to produce wildly inaccurate spellings.
Somerset County Council has lost two specialist teachers of the deaf and a part-time support worker through redundancy.
Claire Fryer from Frome has an 11-month-old old son who gets help from a teacher of the deaf.
Bobb also plans to close the Detroit Day School for the Deaf.
"There is a centre for the deaf, a care home and homes where vulnerable people live around here, " Mr Khadam said.
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Today, Meletse's stance has seen him become a leading figure within the deaf and the gay rights community in South Africa.
CNN: Deaf, gay and HIV positive activist battles against stigma
The conference also offers three papers on the history of the deaf, or any number on the history of racial minorities.
In a recent case, the SEC won a restraining order against a scam targeting users of chat sites popular with the deaf.
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He will first go to a centre for the deaf near the capital Maseru then to a school for visually impaired children.
Likewise, an induction loop or a member of staff who can sign a little will benefit the deaf or hard of hearing.
It was all working so well until that stupid mouse spilled the beans to the deaf, dumb and blind kid, who started buying gold.
The deaf species are invariably larger than those with ears, having an average wingspan of 47mm, compared with hearing moths' average span of 32mm.
Rarely has music been used so well as the universal language it is, but also as a maddening accompaniment to a dialogue of the deaf.
If we do not defend diversity of cultures, then it makes no sense to speak of dialogue because that will be a dialogue of the deaf.
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However, owners of guide dogs for the blind and hearing dogs for the deaf will also be able to bring their animals in from New Zealand and Australia.
The gospels are replete with stories of Jesus healing the sick, raising the dead, making the lame walk, restoring sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf.
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Hence, the deaf never get a true sense of the phonemic structure of spoken language: they have no sounds in their heads that can represent the written letters.
He added this have the service "a chance to restructure", with a manager returning to oversee the service and two teachers undergoing training to become teachers of the deaf.
The deaf-mute helped my grandfather to his feet and led him to the door, where he could see the dark field swimming with shadows: the villagers, the snowdrifts, the fence.
Within the community of the Deaf, someone who gets cochlear implants and joins the ranks of the hearing may feel like a Jew for Jesus at a Satmar Talmud class.
For the deaf and hearing impaired, an app called SpeechTrans Ultimate lets them communicate with hearing people, who speak out loud into the user's mobile device, and the translated text automatically appears.
While EnableTalk is initially targeting the deaf community, the smart glove technology that they are developing has a much broader market, one that is embracing the very real prospect of wearable computing.
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The technology for the world's first teletext service was developed by BBC engineers who were trying to find ways of providing subtitles on TV programmes for the deaf, rather than produce a news service.
Over the last few years, the mobile phone has emerged as a popular device for what at first may seem an unlikely user group: the deaf and other people who are hard of hearing.
The high-drama romance between the hearing Bay and the deaf Emmett is currently the centerpiece of the show, for good reason: Berdy, in particular, has a James Dean charisma that breaks open every scene.
While there are offerings that convert voicemail to SMS and give movie-goers textual representations of the script, these two outfits are looking to spruce up the generally poor telecommunication options available for the deaf.
Mr. Rosen is Treasurer of the United States International Council on Disabilities, a Member of the National Association of the Deaf Employment Task Force, and serves as an advisor to the World Federation of the Deaf.
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Aside from the basics - utilities, schools, clean streets, efficient public transport - at which Tokyo traditionally excels, the Japanese megapolis provides sign-language interpreters for the deaf, home helpers for the elderly, and subsidies for single-parent households.