"The deciding factor is whether the employer will find out about it, " MacDougall says.
"We're moving forward, even though it's questionable, " Zigun said, adding that weather will be the deciding factor.
In the not-too-distant future the hardware will mature to a level where the software is the deciding factor.
The deciding factor could be what the Federal Reserve does regarding any further stimulus programs to prevent deflation, he said.
FORBES: FOCUS: Financial Market Break Revives Memories of 2008
Advocates of the fair tax suggest this should not be the deciding factor of how you ought to be taxed.
It is unlikely to be the deciding factor in the presidential race, though it could have an important bearing on the outcome.
Huckabee's campaign chairman on Wednesday said Texas could be the deciding factor.
The deciding factor when buying this phone (or the smaller Lumia 800) may well be how happy you are with Windows Phone 7.
In the end, the deciding factor may be one that should, as a legal matter, be irrelevant: the raw quality of Jones' allegations.
The holiday season is (a) upon us and (b) often the deciding factor in whether a given brand had a successful year or not.
FORBES: Competition Promises To Be Fierce For Brands This Holiday Season
An MCA spokesman said the temperature of the water had been the deciding factor in the decision to call off the search on Sunday night.
Third in seniority, O'Connor has, deliberately or not, become the "swing" justice, with her moderately conservative views often the deciding factor in close 5-4 votes.
How the legislation achieves these results will be the deciding factor.
He reckons that the deciding factor in that election was the Tories' ability to persuade people that a government led by Neil Kinnock would be incompetent.
"He's played very well today as he normally does in his position and I knew that he could probably be the deciding factor, " said Argentina coach Sergio Batista.
In our research with employers at Attract Jobs NOW, we have learned that how you answer the toughest questions can be the deciding factor whether you get hired.
Robson is set to continue to resist Liverpool's attempts to sign Ziege, but the deciding factor is likely to be the lure of joining his fellow countrymen at Liverpool.
Neither candidate is expected to garner enough delegates in the remaining primaries and caucuses to take the nomination outright, and the roughly 800 superdelegates are likely to be the deciding factor.
When someone is in the market for your product or service, your ability to be timely and trustful could be the deciding factor when it comes to winning business from the consumer.
FORBES: The ROI Of Relationships: The Value In Social Advertising
Increasingly, it's beginning to look as though, after the initial attraction of high-definition's much sharper picture, interactivity is going to be the deciding factor that determines the outcome of the current format war.
And while the rising cost of public transport is one of the key issues in the election, many analysts say the difference between the two men themselves will be the deciding factor for most of the city's 5 million registered voters.
There is no doubt that conservatives are more revved up about this election than are liberals, but a difference in the two factions turnout is not likely to be the deciding factor in how big a win Republicans may have on Tuesday.
The final deciding factor for the future of the region's economies seems to be, as is often the case in the Gulf, bound up with oil prices.
If overall speed is the only deciding factor, save your money by picking up the original One X.
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But the judges, who are experts in the field of competitive dance, aren't the only deciding factor.
"I said last week that I fancy the weather and international calls will be the biggest factor in deciding how the championship goes this year, " Cook added.
Chris Adams, who took Wendover for UKIP, said the high speed rail line was a deciding factor in the election.
Last November, a federal appeals court barred the prestigious Boston Latin School from using race as a deciding factor in the allocation of places to pupils.