• In remarks offered on the occasion of his receiving the Center for Security Policy's annual "Keeper of the Flame" award, Kasparov spoke of the decisive role in the destruction of Soviet communism played by President Harry Truman's policy of containment and President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The warrior spirit, so evident Sunday night, plays a decisive role in the lives of line soldiers and their commanders.


  • As the chief policeman for unfair state aid in the 27-country EU, he will also play a decisive role in the overhaul of troubled Spanish banks and the setting up of a new, powerful banking supervisor for the euro zone.

    WSJ: Economics Guru Jumps

  • These troops played a decisive role in the success of the surge.

    WSJ: Kurdistan Is a Model for Iraq

  • Senior rebel commanders are said to have played a decisive role in the drawing-up of Hadep's list of candidates.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey��s Kurds

  • The aim is to build institutions to match the president's democratic ideals and attract the political interest of some of the 30m or so young people who played such a decisive role in Mr Khatami's election.


  • In Kansas, where Triad Management was especially active, the funds may have played a decisive role in four of six federal races.

    NEWYORKER: Covert Operations

  • Anek Laothamatas, the former leader of the Mahachon party in Thailand, argues that businessmen have played a decisive role in his country since the 1980s.

    ECONOMIST: Why do professional paths to the top vary so much?

  • Ms Silva's votes have given her a decisive role in the second round, but instead of the environment, abortion has become the main theme, with videos circulating on the internet portraying Ms Rousseff as a "pro-abortion".

    BBC: Green Party votes up for grabs in Brazil's election

  • In this connection, the United States and its allies can play a constructive and probably decisive role in insisting as a condition of economic and other assistance that the former Hungarian collaboration with the Soviet Union in hostile activities such as technology theft, espionage and support for extremist and terrorist groups or regimes comes to a complete end.


  • The presidential election of 2008 was the first one in which Latinos played a large, and perhaps decisive, role.

    ECONOMIST: Latinos and American politics

  • But the fact is that economics has played a decisive role in all of them.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Caution: Storm Approaching

  • There remains to them only one way of playing a decisive role in the world: that is to unite Europe...

    ECONOMIST: The Suez crisis

  • During the second of these incarnations, it played a decisive role in shaping the national security platform and policies that would be adopted first by Candidate and then by President Ronald Reagan.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Welcome back to the fight

  • They have played a decisive role in dozens of environmental victories, from the phasing out of lead in petrol in the 1970s to stopping the navy in 2003 from using a sonar system that would have deafened or even killed whales.

    ECONOMIST: The environmental movement

  • The role of the United States in ousting Allende reprehensible, even if not decisive continues to fuel hostility towards the superpower.

    ECONOMIST: Latin American politics

  • Despite his decisive role in getting Wahid elected over Megawati, Rais has not shied away from public criticism of the president.

    CNN: Partners -- As In Sparring

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