The Deputy Secretary-General was also scheduled to hold talks with President Ilham Aliyev this afternoon.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon today announced the appointment of Takahisa Kawakami of Japan as Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law, United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT).
Legislators revised around 93% of the bill, claims Muchyar Yara, deputy secretary-general of the ruling Golkar party, which has a majority in the outgoing parliament.
Writing in the report, Pier Carlo Padoan, deputy secretary-general and chief economist, said the European Central Bank could investigate more non-conventional ways to promote growth and the euro area needed to continue repairing deputy its banking system.
In an interview with the BBC's Glenn Campbell, the one-time United Nations deputy secretary general said people in Scotland would face a choice at the autumn 2014 poll that could have a lot of ramifications.
The Forum saw the participation also of the Qatari Deputy Prime Minister, Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Atiya, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the Spanish Deputy Prime Minister, Manuel Chavez, President of Austria, Heinz Fischer, President of Germany, Christian Wulff and a representative of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Amid the violence, a five-member U.N. team with expertise in politics, peacekeeping and mediation was on the ground in Syria, according to Eduardo del Buey, deputy spokesman for the U.N. secretary-general.
Hirai Yoshimitsu, deputy secretary-general of the Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan, predicts that within a decade, half of Japan's e-commerce will be conducted over non-PC devices such as phones and public computer kiosks.
Mr Susman's comments chime with that of ex-UN deputy secretary general Mark Malloch-Brown, who said the US would be wise to keep out of the debate.
Wendy Watson-Wright, Assistant Director-General and Executive Secretary of UNESCO-IOC, will co-chair the event with Deputy Minister Mrs.
On Wednesday, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon named Norman Farrell, the Canadian deputy prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), as Mr Bellemare's successor.
In an open vote, Niphon (who runs Chuan's office) could have taken the first deputy spot, but he, too, has bolder goals - namely replacing secretary-general Sanan Kachornprasart (the official No. 2 in the party).