The desired result is a tailored solution with the ideal combination of power, space and cost.
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There are also set minimums to be distributed if the above formula does not achieve the desired result.
Even clear rules and a big prize may not deliver the desired result.
"We are confident that this will have the desired result for the benefit of all residents of Silverton, " it said.
Not quite the desired result for organizations that are looking to engage the most vibrant ethnic group on the social web.
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Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common.
Negotiation is the art of asking for what you want and being willing to make concessions and adjustments in order to achieve the desired result.
Many times an action is required to achieve the desired result.
This was an effective approach designed to achieve the desired result from Congressional Democrats, none of whom want to be responsible for cutting programs that feed children.
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Lawyers and spouses who were involved in engaging Butler are now saying they had no idea that Butler was using these creative means to get the desired result.
Artificial neural networks operate in a similar fashion, altering the strengths of connections between different parts of a program in response to experience, so as to achieve the desired result.
Even if that response failed to provide Mr Milosevic with the desired result, he would almost certainly not step down for the time being - on the grounds that his current term does not run out until next summer.
We already achieved the desired result.
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Not surprisingly, a basic name, address and phone number is the most desired result for consumers.
Will the dramatic action have its apparent other desired result, another leg up for the stock market.
That is a goal much to be desired, and indeed, it is the natural result of continued productivity gains we see around the world.
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What's more, the algorithms can be tweaked separately by hardware manufacturers for any desired result, and can incorporate data from ambient light sensors to increase projector efficiency.
And although dealing with the media can be a treacherous business, as the fake sheikh saga shows, PR seems very often to have its desired result.
The net result would be increased revenue, either from high earners who simply desired to keep their tax breaks in their coffers or, hopefully from a real increase in job creation that will lead to a wider pool of tax payers who will increase revenue by the weight of their numbers.
Once the result is suitably purified, however, it can be pressed into the desired material.
As a result, it is necessary to collect only a single type of plastic to ensure the desired material properties.
Using desired fertility constructed from both retrospective and prospective questions, together with instrumental variables estimation, it is shown this strong result is not affected by either ex-post rationalization of births nor the dependence of desired fertility on contraceptive access or cost.
Users will no longer have to click on a result to choose it, but instead scroll up and down and hit enter to choose the desired entry.
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