So the developed country most able to reduce its CO2 emissions, the United States, has remained divided.
The developed-country change reflects alterations in professed policy by Russia, Canada and a few others.
Unfortunately the US is the only developed country that has not ratified this agreement.
However, Mr Trichet went on to point out that Italy is the only developed country which appoints its central-bank chief for life.
The United States remains the only developed country with no guarantee of paid maternity leave and is lagging behind on how much women earn compared with men.
At the time, companies defended their engagement with the country in part by embracing the Sullivan Principles, an acceptable code of conduct for doing business in the country developed by a Philadelphia pastor named Leon Sullivan.
Most Brazilian cars can run on a mixture of ethanol and petrol, thanks in part to the flex-fuel engine, developed in the country.
The next big thing for retailers in China will be the less-developed cities of the country's interior.
In such an economic environment, the up-front costs of environmental protection can appear daunting, particularly for officials in the less-developed interior of the country with far fewer economic resources.
To date, Houghton and Scotto have successfully worked with 130 villages in the Bombali and Tonkolili districts of the country and developed agricultural collection points and routing mechanisms, which will ensure that Africa Felix Juice always has a fresh fruit supply on hand.
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Republican and Democratic governors across the country developed these reforms.
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The basic idea was that the Internet was transforming every facet of human interaction including conflict, so the country that developed military doctrine and organization to fully exploit the new technology was likely to dominate its enemies in the wars of tomorrow.
This is what happens when a city is cut off from the rest of the country by desert, developed by the Mob, built on broken get-rich-quick dreams and where visitors outnumber locals nearly 20 to one.
"This final is a feather in Germany's cap and the way that country has developed both their national team and the Bundesliga the past 10 years, " Lalas said.
Pinera attributes Chile's integration into global markets to free-trade agreements with China, the U.S. and Europe and the government's mission to transform the country into a developed nation before 2020.
The Saudi Government has less money and less need for landmark projects, some key industries - such as oil exploration and production - have been nationalised and the local workforce has developed to the point where the country needs foreign capital and expertise rather than foreign workers.
As the first of its kind, the company said the Delabole local tariff was its "blueprint" and would be replicated across the country as it developed more wind farms.
There is still a striking lack of executives from emerging markets at the top of developed-country multinationals.
The rising percentage of youth going to colleges, as well as the large migration of developing country students to developed country universities, helped propel the need for affordable items appealing to students.
The State Council also pointed to a big wealth gap between the urban and rural regions and vowed to provide more fiscal support for the less developed central and western regions of the country.
Kyongsang developed into the country's industrial heartland.
Dr McKay said it was possible the new Parkinson's treatments would be developed in a country where the regulatory framework covering stem cell research was most benign.
Speaking to reporters at a press conference, Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez said the decision "doesn't signal a retreat from economic engagement with China, " but added that the Asian country's economy has developed to the point that trade tools the U.S. employs in its dealings with other industrialized nations can now be used.
The sect, formed more than a year ago, has developed a following across the country and in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.
There is very little chance that politicians would ever choose to use the model they developed in Cyprus in a country like Italy or Spain, where a run on the banks would have such profound implications.
In place of a centralized database, many countries want a federated system where the identifiers are developed by a country or region.
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The greatest bubble in developed-country cities starts with Brisbane, Australia at 210% followed by 180% in Miami, 170% in L.A. and 165% in Vancouver.
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In addition, we have both developed some of the country's most popular programming and built many of the most watched and valued networks in the industry.
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So, back to the Baby Bust, the question must be considered as to why we should change the clear trend in any developed country to have less people who lead happier lives?