Whether the devout and the doctrinaire can form a united political front is another matter, though.
The threat of diluting the devout coalition by Catholic Latinos is just below the surface.
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The devout Christian businessman famously devotes a percentage of his annual income towards charity.
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For their part, the devout immigrants considered the English Jews doctrinally lax to the point of apostasy.
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Before them the devout, kneeling in their sarongs, murmur prayers, light joss-sticks and touch their foreheads to the marble floor.
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However, greener pastures do lie ahead for the Mets and the devout fans that genuinely love the ball club.
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That sweetness is well caught, and Polley has few peers in the devout attention that she pays to body language and the tales it can tell.
Although Tim and Richard grew up competing aggressively on the tennis court in their backyard in Orrville, the devout Christian Scientists insist they are a united management twosome.
Yet fortitude alone cannot rally troops to the barricades, and thus far the devout housewife has shown more concern for her husband's well-being than she has a taste for challenging the authorities.
But in the midst of a tetchy discussion, one voice did defend the Western understanding of democracy and civil liberty, and indeed the compatibility of those principles with the devout practice of Islam.
Although Baghdad's grey skyline is dotted with blue domes and tiled minarets, there is not enough room for the new devout.
She was moving her lips as she read, not something you see that often among readers other than the youngest or the most devout.
Most of them have forgotten that the words of the Prophet contain enough injunctions against ostentatious burials to make clear that headstones, let alone mausoleums, are out for the truly devout.
It's the bump a devout Muslim gets from pressing his face to the floor five times daily while praying.
The ugly ducklings amongst us are often devout of the opportunities that befall the beautiful and, therefore, comparatively are more prone to end up in crime.
The Rogerses were devout Southern Baptists, and in Hampton Alan mostly kept to himself and his Bible, occasionally picking buckets of pecans from a giant tree in the back yard.
Forty-five years later, the 91-year-old devout Baptist remains CEO of the second largest fried chicken chain in the country -- only KFC is bigger.
By mid-December the debate pitted Catholic against Catholic, husbands against wives and devout exiles against the same archdiocese that had welcomed them as refugees.
Missionaries from London began their work on the islands a decade or so later, and Christianity has very strong roots in this devout corner of the South Pacific.
His mother thought that he was hanging around with the wrong crowd, so she sent him to a Mormon youth program, and eventually they both became devout members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
The journey from very devout Catholic to outspoken atheist took about six months total.
The Acehnese, mostly devout Muslims, played a crucial role in Indonesia's own struggle for independence.
Many devout Muslims among the Arab protesters, including members of the Brotherhood, cite Turkey as a model.
Perhaps it is, but many devout citizens of the United Arab Emirates still believe devoutly in magic and possession by demons.
Cookery writer and broadcaster Delia Smith, joint majority shareholder of Norwich City FC, has been a devout Catholic since the age of 22.
Alexander was a Mormon, and portrayed himself to friends and family as a virgin and devout follower of the faith who was saving himself for marriage.
The company, founded by devout Christian S. Truett Cathy, keeps stores closed on Sundays so employees can spend time with their families and go to church.