And then they're not alone, and they can look it up in the dictionary together.
Inside the dictionary should be the UINavigationBar key, which has a value that is also a dictionary.
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What is more, by the time they did make it into the dictionary, they were becoming obsolete.
After 50 years of research and editing, the Dictionary of American Regional English has reached the letter Z.
WHITEHOUSE: A to Zydeco: Saving the Diversity of American English
Nowhere in the dictionary does it say that patience equals time standing still.
He even had to look up the dictionary definition of cheat, he says.
Amortize, the dictionary tells us, is the gradual extinction of a future obligation.
By then, says editor John Simpson, the dictionary could double in size to include about 1.3 million words and phrases.
The AHA also publishes a magazine called Zymurgy -- the first word in brewing and, ironically, the last word in the dictionary.
Fields about the dictionary that changed her life, how to get a business loan and why good chocolate (and vanilla) is always best.
"Literally is one of those language bugbears, so we print a special note in the dictionary to advise on the problem, " says Brookes.
The dictionary definitions of convent and monastery do not include married men and women and single persons living separate lives in separate households.
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The updated definition will be added in the online version of the dictionary this year, and in the next printed edition next year.
If you look it up in the dictionary, one definition for the word has it as a synonym for an underhand plot or conspiracy.
Interestingly enough, the common desktop reference guide "The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy" best sums up the Bible's value as a tool of cultural literacy.
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Just double tap any word to get the dictionary definition or translation and with one more tap, learn more about the word through Wikipedia.
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The Dictionary, known as DARE, records American speech as it varies from place to place and as it has changed over more than three centuries.
WHITEHOUSE: A to Zydeco: Saving the Diversity of American English
It's all a long way from the days of the dictionary's founder, academic Sir James Murray, who was commissioned by the Philological Society of London.
It is not just that she is erudite (which she is), or that an outlandish word will send her to the dictionary (which it will).
In a sinister ironic climax, his boss, a police captain with a sadistic intellectual bent, pins him to the meaning of words looked up in the dictionary.
The Dictionary of American Regional English project is part of the College of Letters and Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where Joan Houston Hall is chief editor.
WHITEHOUSE: A to Zydeco: Saving the Diversity of American English
The transistor never made much money and the company's stock never returned to those heights, but Ovshinsky did manage to get the word Ovonics(and his name) into the dictionary.
And some critics accused her of using the wrong word in her attack on Mr Abbott, pointing to the dictionary definition of ''misogyny'' as a pathological hatred of females.
Now in his third term as IPC president, Sir Philip - a former Paralympic wheelchair basketball player - also wants to see the word disability banished from the dictionary.
The first minister said the term as defined in the dictionary meant an "overbearing wielder of petty authority" and insisted it was used in public parlance a number of times.
Dark-skinned Romany-speaking nomads of Hindu origin, says the dictionary.
As for advising governments of emerging economies how best to structure their legal systems, various essays in the dictionary stress the importance of clear property rights, and of ensuring that these are marketable.
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Not that I look to the dictionary as the paragon of forward investment thinking, but I find that this definition provides a disservice to investors and identifies a potentially hazardous way to manage a portfolio.
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