"Iran's delegation can't go home and say it is a good offer, " said the diplomat.
"His murder made the IAEA's job that much harder, " the diplomat told Reuters news agency.
The Iranian lawmaker said several bottles of alcohol were found in the diplomat's car.
The video showed the diplomat, Fereydoun Jahani, but gave no reason for his kidnapping.
The diplomat offered no evidence for his assertions, which were also dismissed by the White House.
Karzai asked for advice on how best to address his brother's alleged illicit business dealings, the diplomat said.
However, while the diplomat has apologised if his strong language offended anyone, he has not taken back his words.
But Cyprus resisted pressure by creditors to also unwind the country's largest lender, Bank of Cyprus, the diplomat said.
He also said he held the United States responsible for the release of the diplomat, Iranian state-run media said.
The Monroes became very popular in France, where the diplomat's lady received the affectionate name of la belle Americaine.
The diplomat had been a member of the club for about a year at the time of the alleged assaults.
"On Monday the situation changed for us because we are now in the congestion charge zone, " the diplomat told BBC News.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Embassies suspend paying C-charge
After holding the diplomat for over a year the militants quietly released him back to Iran in the spring of 2010.
After holding the diplomat for more than a year, the militants quietly released him back to Iran in the spring of 2010.
"There are all kinds of oil reserves out there, " adds the diplomat.
An Iranian citizen was killed when his car was reportedly hit by the diplomat's vehicle on a motorway in Tehran on 14 March.
Said Ahmad, the diplomat left in charge of Iraq's U.N. mission by Saddam Hussein's government, said he looked forward to the new Iraq.
The diplomat said that he read that as a hint that the Bush administration had not closed off any option, including the military one.
The diplomat who spoke to Reuters after Tuesday's talks said that Iran had spoken of a "window of opportunity in relations with the EU".
The diplomat said that on Tuesday Carromero was, for a second day, speaking to Cuban police and was being assisted by Spain's consul to Cuba.
The diplomat said the move was puzzling for the six nations.
The diplomat said that the Iranians have paved over a large part of the area surrounding a building where the IAEA suspects the Iranians were conducting nuclear experiments.
The diplomat, Gregory Hicks, testified as a whistleblower, criticizing administration statements in the first days after the attack that it had grown out of a demonstration.
The discussion came as the Syrian government accused the diplomat leading the international effort to forge peace of being biased in favor of the enemies of Damascus.
The diplomat, identified as Abdullah al-Khalidi, was taken by unknown gunmen near his residence in Rimi, in the Mansoora district, as he was entering his vehicle, the officials said.
Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh, who wrote the Diplomat's Brief says that even an accused terrorist has certain basic rights to a fair trial under the Geneva Conventions.
But committee chairman John Kerry said Mr Hill was the right person for Iraq, and the diplomat has also been endorsed by the top Republican on the committee, Richard Lugar.
In 1988, a Cuban diplomat, Carlos Manuel Medina Perez, and his ambassador, Oscar Fernandez-Mell, were ordered to leave Britain after the diplomat shot at a secret service agent in London.
Consul General Guido de Sanctis was in an armored car pulling out of the garage when the gunmen pulled up alongside the vehicle and opened fire, the diplomat told CNN.
Luckily, during her stint with the diplomat, Sukemi managed to learn the art of dressmaking - and she has been struggling ever since to make ends meet by selling her creations.