• This revelation was, of course, no surprise to those who had observed the systematic disloyalty that characterized much of Messrs.


  • His shadow cabinet is scattered around the country, and they know that disloyalty to the central line is political death.

    ECONOMIST: Tony Blair��s business affair

  • But my mother, in the only act of disloyalty I can ever recall, declared the performance of this aspiring thespian to be vastly superior to my own.

    BBC: Birmingham town hall

  • The initial plan was to bar Mr Livingstone, a former leader of the Greater London Council, from standing in the party's primary on the ground of disloyalty.

    ECONOMIST: London��s mayor

  • Lieberman's adoption of the Left's prejudiced perspective on Israeli Arabs has engendered a dismal situation where, while the debate has now been joined on the issue of how to contend with Israeli Arab disloyalty and crime, the debate that has developed is nothing more than a dialogue of the deaf.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Umm el-Fahm and liberal democracy

  • The local party members had expressed discontent with Dr Marek amid claims of "disloyalty" over the AM's criticism of the Labour-run Wrexham council.

    BBC: Marek to stand as independent

  • Service, who died in 1999, was eventually judged innocent of disloyalty to the U.S. and abetting Chinese communism.

    WSJ: Book Review: "Honorable Survivor"

  • Besides, other VCs say, they don't want to sell too soon if that would signal disloyalty to the entrepreneur.

    FORBES: In the Lurch

  • To avoid any suggestion of disloyalty to the Gandhi family (which could have been fatal), Mr Kesri despatched his ultimatum.

    ECONOMIST: India

  • As a result of Turkey's disloyalty, the advanced 4th Mechanized Infantry Division had to sail around the Arabian peninsula to Kuwait to join the fight.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Turkey's cozy business with Iran

  • The costs of such disloyalty have already been high: a government seen by friends and foes alike as distracted, at best, and, at worst, paralyzed by divided counsel, communicating mixed signals and signaling an irresolution that invites contempt and aggression.


  • It was no accident that the people who came under most intense scrutiny thanks to Rich Armitage's disloyalty were presidential advisor Karl Rove and the Vice President's then-chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby.


  • For example, in describing a 1951 FBI investigation of Thompson which concluded in 1953 by exonerating him of suspicions of disloyalty, he gives the impression that Sen.

    WSJ: Book Review: The Ideal Man

  • Soon after, a scathing letter appeared on the Cavaliers official website slamming James for his disloyalty.

    FORBES: LeBron James Vs. Dan Gilbert

  • Its armed forces have publicly backed the government against both the arrest in London and any idea of disloyalty at home.

    ECONOMIST: Chile: The Pinochet backlash | The

  • However, just as Hollywood movie-making is bedevilled with rivalries, disloyalty and general malice, so was the White House during Mr Regan's time there.

    ECONOMIST: Donald Regan

  • The role wasn't a complete sinecure: the ruling warlord, Tokugawa Ieyasu, ordered the seppuku, or ritual suicide, of one of Koetsu's circle, the tea master Furuta Oribe, for some real or imagined disloyalty.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | The Subtle Magic of Koetsu

  • Mainland troops brutally quelled the unrest, after which security police purged anyone even suspected of disloyalty.

    ECONOMIST: Taiwan

  • In the past, governments believed that the desire to belong to more than one nation was an expression of disloyalty.

    BBC: The equation of dual citizenship

  • The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano made the announcement together with an official admission that there have been "grave acts of disloyalty" .

    BBC: Vatican launches criminal probe into unauthorised leaks

  • The party has split into warring factions of Zia diehards and those whom she has not forgiven for their disloyalty.

    ECONOMIST: Bangladesh

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