• The Kennemerland, a Dutch East India Company merchant ship that was outward bound from Holland to the East Indies.

    BBC: Drumbeg

  • Accidents of colonial history Indonesia was the Dutch-run bit of the East Indies, Malaysia the British bit help explain the rows over territory and culture.

    ECONOMIST: Discord across the Malacca strait

  • In 1600, Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter to the "company of merchants of London trading to the East Indies" -- the East India Company.

    CNN: Tuesday,

  • When Kidd's activities in the East Indies, as it was then known, threatened the East India Company's business interests, they secured his downfall, said Wareham.

    CNN: Real 'pirate of the Caribbean' was funded by London elite

  • Certainly the island was a pristine paradise when Portuguese explorer Diogo Fernandes Pereira happened upon it in February of 1507, while pioneering a new route to the East Indies.

    BBC: Blending of cultures in Mauritius

  • In the late 16th century Dutchmen Cornelius and Frederik Houtman tried to swipe the key to Portugal's trade monopoly in the East Indies--detailed maps of that part of the globe--and landed in jail for a brief time.

    FORBES: Atlas Unbound

  • The museum said the blocks, which were about 12in (30cm) by 14in (35cm) had the letters "TJIPETIR", which was believed to be the name of a rubber plantation in the Dutch East Indies in the 19th Century.

    BBC: Shipwrecked gutta percha blocks wash up in South West

  • Some countries are based on language, some on ethnicity, some on religion: Indonesia is based on the principle, odd in the mouths of nationalists, that whatever was administered as the Dutch East Indies in the 19th and early 20th centuries is now Indonesia.

    ECONOMIST: After East Timor's independence

  • Unlike East Timor, which was a former Portuguese colony invaded by Indonesia in 1975 and has now won the right to independence, Aceh was long administered as a part of the Dutch East Indies before the entire archipelago, or most of it, became Indonesia in 1949.

    ECONOMIST: Preparing for Aceh��s next battle

  • Through historical examples including the Dutch East Indies Company and financial regulation passed in 1811 that clarified limited liability and democratized corporations, Shiller put the focus on Dodd-Frank and what it needs to accomplish.

    FORBES: Shiller On Dodd-Frank: 'A Financial Crisis Is A Thing Not To Be Missed'

  • Just as in other parts of the archipelago, Aceh was forced into the Dutch East Indies later to become Indonesia.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • When in the second world war the Japanese occupied the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia, they were happy to drink Heineken beer.

    ECONOMIST: Freddy Heineken

  • Indonesia, it is argued, is an artificial construct, with a bewildering collection of languages, religions and ethnic groups whose only common denominator is that the jigsaw once made up the Dutch East Indies.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • But unlike East Timor a former Portuguese colony these other places are all part of the old Dutch East Indies, out of which Indonesia was born.

    ECONOMIST: A Survey of Indonesia

  • Japan, which in the 1940s sent soldiers off to conquer oilfields in the then Dutch East Indies, took a notoriously more acquisitive bent.

    FORBES: Overcoming Isolation

  • The First Statistical Account of Scotland published between 1791 and 1799 records how the climate of the area was pleasant enough for "natives of the East and West Indies" to live there.

    BBC: Sutherland shipwreck intrigues archaeologists

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