He has recently lost one editor of the Ecologist magazine, Nicholas Hildyard, for precisely these reasons.
Heatley, the ecologist, said that "not one" of the energy companies drilling in the area has a long-term restoration plan for sensitive deep-forest environments, and that permits usually require only minimal restoration, such as planting grasses.
And yet "we only know the tip of the iceberg, " says ecologist Benoit Fontaine of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.
"If you wanted to create a perfect storm for biological invasion, you would do what the energy companies are doing in north-central Pennsylvania, " said Kevin Heatley, an ecologist with the national firm Biohabitats who works to restore areas that have been damaged by human activity.
But to others, like Brigitte Howarth, an ecologist at the UAE's Zayed University, Lake Zakher is an environmental calamity.
Viola Ross-Smith, Research Ecologist with the British Trust for Ornithology, said it was difficult to say what would happen following the publication of the research.
Falk Huettmann, a wildlife ecologist at the University of Alaska's Fairbanks campus, uses ESRI software to track the spread of the highly contagious H5N1 bird flu virus.
David Tilman is an ecologist at the University of Minnesota.
"Participation with environmental science and natural history has a long history, especially in Britain, long before it was termed 'citizen science', " project leader Dr Helen Roy, an ecologist from the CEH, told BBC News.
Dr Julia Baum, a marine ecologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, US, and a member of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), said excessive fishing was putting many of the ocean's "most majestic predators" at risk of extinction.
While the pythons can run to double-digit lengths, University of Florida wildlife ecologist Frank Mazzotti said the average snake runs about 6 to 9 feet.
Biologists led by radio-ecologist Timothy Mousseau at the University of South Carolina studied 300 locations around Fukushima last July and found that local bird populations had dropped by about a third.
Originally from France, Natalie Pettorelli is a trained population ecologist who has developed over the years a broad interest in conservation science and environmental policy.
One of the busiest has been Patrick Moore, an ecologist who helped to found Greenpeace and was one of its top men for 15 years.
"There is no real sustainable management of forests" in East Africa, said Frans Bongers, a Dutch ecologist at Wageningen University and one of the authors of the study.
It closely resembles a coronavirus found in bats, but exactly how it jumped to humans isn't known, said Peter Daszak, president and disease ecologist at EcoHealth Alliance, an organization that researches the animal origins of emerging viruses.
WSJ: Virus's Toll in Saudi Arabia Raises Fears of Faster Spread
Forestry Commission ecologist Tom Dearnley said they were "extremely keen" to see the project go ahead at Kielder.
The great snake hunt could be a boon to scientists like University of Florida wildlife ecologist Frank Mazzotti, who was preparing for a post-mortem on one python Monday morning.
But it is the legacy of Wordsworth, who became a tourist attraction himself, as Romantic, ecologist, guidebook writer, landscape gardener (of particular appeal to Mr Thompson, a landscape architect) and arbiter of taste that continues to inspire and provoke controversy.
Wally Covington, a forest ecologist at Northern Arizona University, says it's crucial not to make too much of the Biscuit findings, in part because this study only covers a few years.
"If extreme droughts like these become more frequent, the days of the Amazon rainforest acting as a natural buffer to man-made carbon emissions may be numbered, " forest ecologist Simon Lewis, from University College London, has said.