Although Glasgow Council regularly uses powers under the Education Act, there had been no similar prosecutions in Edinburgh for about 20 years.
BBC: Edinburgh mother fined ?150 over teenage girl's truancy
The Careers England research was undertaken because of widespread fears about the impact of the change brought about by the Education Act 2011 in England.
On 19 October she wrote to the mayor saying she had invoked powers from the Education Act 1996, to allow an outside company to take over the running of children's services in the city from early next year.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Staffordshire | Task force to help city children
But they were every bit as good as the private sector in terms of choice and quality - if not far better, particularly after the 1944 Education Act and the founding of the NHS, which offered services and opportunities transformed from the pre-war years within a post-war economy and society governed by rationing, funding constraints, and pervasive low skills and aspirations.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services
Introducing free secondary education for all, the 1944 Education Act was by any standards a ground-breaking piece of legislation.
Petri said if private lenders refuse to lend money to black students on historically black campuses, that would be an act of racial discrimination under the Higher Education Act.
The survey, which Congress ordered as part of the 2008 reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, asked respondents about 15 regulations stemming from the law that colleges had identified as being particularly onerous.
FORBES: Breaking News from 1636: Colleges Think Government Regulations Excessive
Beyond RE-ENERGYSE, the federal government should work to expand these programs into a clean-energy education strategy on par with the National Defense Education Act of 1958, which helped reposition the U.S. in the space race and achieve revolutions in information technology.
FORBES: Racing for Clean-Tech Jobs: Why America Needs an Energy Education Strategy
Believe it or not, the Higher Education Act expired in September 2003 and has since been extended nine times.
So tonight, I ask Congress to change the Higher Education Act so that affordability and value are included in determining which colleges receive certain types of federal aid.
The Higher Education Policy Act, the acts of 1958, '59, just like the National Defence Highway Act of 1956 were vehicles by which public goods were generated under the rubric of national defence.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning
This will add operating costs of nearly one billion dollars on top of those incurred as a result of the other 150 regulations that have been issued under the Higher Education Act since 2008.
To help make college more affordable, the first thing Congress can do is to pass a comprehensive reauthorization of the Higher Education Act that includes key reforms to address rising costs, protect student borrowers and improve critical programs.
The DOE complaint alleges that from 2007 through 2010, at three campuses in Dallas and North Richland Hills, Texas, ATI Enterprises knowingly misrepresented its job placement statistics to the TWC in order to maintain its state licensure, and therefore its eligibility for federal financial aid under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
FORBES: For-loss education: How investors, lenders stand to lose everything in ATI Enterprises
Apart from legalising the right to education, the act places the onus on governments and local authorities to provide schools and sets out standards and norms covering numbers of teachers, training and curricula.
He drew particular attention to the enactment of the Right to Education Act in 2009 that guarantees compulsory education, noting that it represented a historic decision by the Parliament of India.
In March of 2010, the Obama Administration sent Congress a Blueprint for Reform of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, addressing the issues created by No Child Left Behind while pursuing high standards and closing the achievement gap.
The Education and Skills Act 2008 means that, from 2013, all young people will be required to continue in education or training post-16.
The high-water mark for public education in California was the 1960 Donahoe Act, better known as the Master Plan for Higher Education.
FORBES: Does Higher Education Need To Go Back To The Fifties?
By calling Education Secretary Bennett a liar, NYU's Brademas is playing his chosen role in the latest act of the Great American Education Melodrama.
The enforcement of the education provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 remains a top priority of the Division.
It is also arguably enshrined in federal law, as the Elementary Secondary Education Act requires that states implement yearly assessments, for example.
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Your commitment was recently reinforced with the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act passed by the parliament last August.
We're also continuing to make progress on several other fronts-- providing vital preventive health care services for women through the Affordable Care Act, furthering STEM education for girls, and advocating for the passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Rather than trying to act as the main provider of health, education and pensions, it would act as the guarantor of universal access and as a regulator.
July is the 150th anniversary of one of the most influential pieces of legislation in American education history, the Morrill Act.
That has applied to the Defense of Marriage Act, immigration laws, and to the No Child Left Behind Act regarding education policy.
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And I was wondering also, is this basically rewriting the Elementary and Secondary Education Act by executive order?
Today and Tuesday, Congressional Quarterly reports, the Senate will consider S717 to reauthorize the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.