Teaching reading and writing is a complex undertaking, especially when the learner is an adult, and the educator is an untrained volunteer.
UNESCO: Kha Ri Gude (Let Us Learn) Adult Literacy Programme (KGALP)
However, the philosopher, the depth psychologist, and the educator in me all hope for more research that looks into the cultural implications of such a pedagogical shift.
Steve Ballmer, the educator Geoffrey Canada, and Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
In a way, the very image of the farmer is changing - now less the solitary figure out in his fields, more the entertainer, the educator, and the salesman.
Salman Khan (the educator, not the Bollywood actor) is changing the very foundation of how eduction is delivered between a teacher and student, from his small desk in his home, without a PhD or years serving in academia.
Paul Bate of the European Educator's Christian Association said accurate teaching about Christian beliefs was of paramount importance in the teaching of RE.
The education secretary highlighted the influence of ED Hirsch, the US educator and literary critic.
"I realized that the work we do here is very mechanized, " says Guillermina Obando Sanchez, the chief educator.
The UK educator has signaled loud and clear that its attention is more geared towards birthing intelligence and literacy.
This week I got the chance to talk with the actress, educator and mother of two to talk about the STEM gender gap and her (highly) educated guess as to what can be done.
FORBES: Mayim Bialik's 'Big Bang Theory' On Girls, STEM Careers And Role Models
Lowe, the lead parent educator at Fort Stewart in Georgia, says it's about the basics.
The greatest economic educator ever, in my opinion, was Frederick Bastiat, a French economist of the first half of the 19th century who would likely be labeled a Libertarian today.
FORBES: Looking for Counterfactuals: The Seen versus the Unseen
The certified diabetes educator is an excellent example of a clinical support role delivering not just medicine but also more general CARE.
FORBES: Want To Revolutionize Health? Enable Physicians, Don't Replace Them
Because while I may not believe in the values that the Pepperdine umbrella espouses, I DO and ALWAYS will support the ideal of the Straus Institute to act as a leading educator of legal minds in the ways of overcoming conflict without resorting to the courtroom.
Andrea Kneer-Rice is a 4-H educator at the University of Maryland Extension, with a focus in STEM education.
Marcia Ford(ph) of Bartow, Florida, writes: You made me feel both the frantic worry of a mom and the caring of an educator.
My passion to become a public school educator began on the basketball court.
Now, obviously, the superintendent is an exceptional educator and an exceptional citizen.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the National Urban League Convention | The White House
In any school today it takes a heroic effort for an educator to meet the needs of every student and foster a love for learning.
She's also been active as an educator teaching at the State University of New York and participating in a rotating residency at North Netherlands Conservatory in Groningen, Netherlands.
And one home educator who contacted the BBC News website said she would not be prepared to allow monitoring visits from the local authority because she considered it had failed in its duty to provide a suitable education for her son.
With a few mouse clicks, Mr. Levine found the sole, surviving occupant of that quartet, 91-year-old Isabella Lee, a former educator who still lives in the apartment she and her husband shared.
Dr. Jill Biden is the Second Lady of the United States and a lifelong educator.
Now, as a Baltimore City 4-H educator, I have the opportunity to empower Maryland 4-Hers and guide them to a successful future.
The Baltimore City 4-H Youth Expo was my first opportunity to witness the impact a 4-H educator can have on an entire school of children.
Our ESEA reauthorization proposal, ESEA flexibility package, Race to the Top initiative, School Improvement Grant program, and the Teacher Incentive Fund all support the development of strong systems of educator evaluation and support.
Robichaux, now 45 and a longtime Louisiana educator, had become the principal of KIPP Phillips Preparatory, a new public charter school that had opened for summer school in July 2005 in New Orleans' poverty-stricken Seventh Ward.
Joe Kristufek, a Racing 101 fan educator who is also the morning line maker and racing analyst at Arlington Park, often kicks off the racing day with a brief overview of the racing program and past performances.