The eel population was no longer sustainable, despite having been recently granted protected geographical indication status, he said.
The clause was invoked most memorably for Eric "the Eel" Moussambani, a swimmer from Equatorial Guinea, in the 2000 Olympics.
According to experts, the reason behind the eel's decline largely remains a mystery due to the difficulty in tracking the fish during its migration.
Once a year, the eel-dealers go to the market temple to pray for continued good sight, and to ask forgiveness of the eel spirits.
The spawning habits of the eel is the exact opposite of the other migratory river users - the salmon and the sea-trout which migrate upstream to spawn.
Prosek takes us deep into the interesting cultures, from New Zealand to upstate New York, for which the eel is part and parcel of everyday life, in both a spiritual and material sense.
Sediment-carrying rivers have been diverted, sea level has risen (increasing the volume of water in the lagoon), a deep-water channel has been dredged for shipping, and turbid waters are killing the eel grass that stabilises mud flats.
But the overall eel population is not in danger of extinction (though some individual species are), so the authorities decline to protect them.
And did they get up and go requisition a new winter cape after the stewed eel?
Some exceptional species are sensitive to ultrasound, while others such as the European eel, a freshwater species that spawns at sea, are sensitive to infrasound.
The AquAdvantage salmon, reared from the eggs of wild Atlantic salmon, sports some extra genes from the Pacific Chinook salmon and an eel, the ocean pout.
Mr Swann also drew attention to the plight of the Lough Neagh eel.
Dams, agricultural chemicals, overfishing and other ills have led to a catastrophic drop in numbers, particularly in North America (where the first European settlers probably ate eel, not turkey, at the first Thanksgiving).
Restoration work, such as reconstructing salt marshes near the island of Burano and sand dunes at Cavallino, and planting eel grass all over the place, is part of the solution.
As its name would suggest, the restaurant serves cuts of prime beef, but goes beyond the typical steak with regional fare such as tender ostrich fillet, marinated venison and South African kingklip (cusk eel imported from the coast).
The antirejection drugs made Eric a little paranoid, but he recovered nicely on hospital dinners of "stewed shredded eel, " and the elated couple returned home in April.
Hu and his team wanted to create the ultimate fish: Aiming to emulate the speed of tuna, acceleration of a pike, and the navigating skills of an eel.
The report said stocks of cod, sand eel and anchovy remained below sustainable limits, but recommended an increase of about 75% in the quota of Norwegian spring spawning herring.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | North Sea cod fishing ban urged
Ask him to check on a favorite like yellowtail, eel or tuna and the answer is the same: Skip it.
Thomas Karinos has found some work in a local eel farm, but the family, like so many, now rely in part on their small plot of land.
In 11 years of research he has collected anguilline myths, lore and recipes from all over the world, with particular emphasis on eel-worshipping in New Zealand and Polynesia.
Assign each group one of the following rivers on the top 13 list: Missouri River, Canning River, Eel River, Hudson River, Powder River, Mississippi River, Big Sandy River, Snoqualmie River, Animas River, East Fork Lewis, Paine Run, Hackensack River and Catawba River.
The staff brought out dozens of dishes, and Lang, famished from the constant performance of his day, ate more than anyone, spinning the lazy Susan at the center of the table and scooping off heaps of shrimp, beef, eel, eggplant, string beans, tofu.
However, he added that eel grasses, which are found in saltier waters lower in the bay, need clear, cooler waters.
Myerson is a bit of celebrity in fishing circles as the owner of the all-tackle world record for striped bass, an 81.88-pound giant he caught off the coast of Connecticut in 2011, using his trademark rattle sinker attached to a live eel.
If they had snacks in front of the television, it wasn't chips or candy, it was rice crackers or dried bonito and smoked eel.
WSJ: Marcus Samuelsson on Traveling to Japan to Eat Fugu | Traveler's Tale
To attain true gourmet snobisme, a food must be rare (beluga), painstakingly obtained (foie gras), or initially revolting (smoked eel). (If it is all three, you are eating a truffle.) In the English-speaking world it also helps a lot if the French liked it first.