To what degree could the electronic form of mail replace the paper one?
An SEC enforcement release says that each firm "lacked adequate systems or procedures for the preservation of electronic mail communications" from 1999 to at least 2001.
Microsoft is phasing out the email service Hotmail, a pioneer of electronic mail accessed on the Web, in favor of a new-but-old brand: Outlook.
Sendmail, the UNIX program that handles electronic mail, is commonly referred to as a beast.
In the past twenty years, businesses and private citizens alike have embraced the use of computers, electronic communication devices, the Internet, and e-mail.
Now think of Internet electronic commerce as the e-mail equivalent of traditional commerce's surface post.
The SEC is investigating its IPO practices, class actions are piling up and somewhere in the bank's electronic files there is an incriminating e-mail from one of the bank's analysts.
He published his concept on an Arpanet mailing list in 1982 (he called his piece "Electronic Mail for People on the Move"), and went on to found RadioMail in the early 1990s -- a wireless email service (surprise, surprise).
ENGADGET: Geoff Goodfellow, early inventor of wireless email, profiled
And if you want your money refunded (instead of spending it on future travel), you need to physically mail a printout of the supposedly electronic voucher to Philadelphia.
Postal services are being liberalised around the world and new electronic services such as e-mail are developing fast.
Jillian York, director of international freedom of expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said in an e-mail that YouTube and Facebook generally are doing a good job of making sure videos from Syrian activists surface on their platforms.
Royal Mail started to use the alphanumeric codes when electronic sorting machines were introduced to speed up the service in the 1950s.
Back in the early 80s a man by the name of Geoff Goodfellow had an idea: to relay electronic mail from Arpanet to his alphanumeric pager.
ENGADGET: Geoff Goodfellow, early inventor of wireless email, profiled
With the ease and anonymity of e-mail, Morgester said, electronic stalking will become a far more common crime.
The CAN-SPAM Act, which is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, established our first national standards for sending electronic mail.
For example, some of the Intel employees asked by the company to retain their e-mail after AMD filed its suit failed to move electronic messages from their 'sent box' to their hard drive, where they would have been preserved, Intel's lawyers wrote in the letter.
To do that, Capellas says Compaq will slap its well-known brand name on a wide range of products: from portable organizers to the Himalaya servers that power AOL's e-mail system to products still in development that will blur the lines between computers and electronic appliances like cell phones and stereos.
Netflix stole the market from Blockbuster by shifting the paradigm to video by mail and then innovated again by creating competition to its own model through electronic distribution.
They think about how to use the insurance money to maybe install electronic health records with colleagues, or provide easier phone and e-mail access, or offer expanded hours.
Although e-mail may have killed some letters, post offices stand to gain from becoming the delivery boys for electronic commerce, which is expected to rise within a few years to 15% of all retail sales.
The suit alleges that AIG employees prevented some Starr employees from accessing their offices and electronic and paper files and e-mail, and monitored their e-mails.
About 20 percent of the 600 cases reviewed by Los Angeles' Stalking and Threat Assessment Team last year involved e-mail or other electronic communications, said Los Angeles deputy district attorney Rhonda Saunders.