• Mrs Creane, 33 and originally from Essex, was unpacking and putting her shoes into the bottom of the wardrobe at the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi in July 2008, when the wooden panel fell down and hit her on the head.

    BBC: Natalie Creane in hospital

  • Mrs Creane, 34, suffered brain damage when she was hit by the panel while on a break at the luxury Emirates Palace Hotel with her future husband Trevor.

    BBC: Natalie Creane in a hospital bed

  • Well fortified, detour back toward the airport for the fascinating tour (1400 local time, Sunday to Thursday) of the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital where birds of prey are nursed lovingly back to health and whose tour ends with an opportunity to hold a rehabilitated falcon, then head back into town to take high tea at the opulent Emirates Palace Hotel.

    BBC: Stopover in Abu Dhabi

  • The cable goes on to present a tale of lavish living, including a six-figure sum for Elton John to sing at a birthday party and a palace in the United Arab Emirates.

    CNN: WikiLeaks reports another electronic disruption

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