His subjects are taken, in the essayist's tradition, from the familiar things of life: sport, growing old, name-dropping, taking a nap, popular songs and so on.
This book was the result of a stint the essayist and philosopher spent at Heathrow in the summer, after its owner, BAA, installed him as a temporary writer-in-residence.
With apologies to the Scottish essayist and historian Thomas Carlyle, of all the quacks who ever quacked, food activists are the loudest.
The French essayist Michel de Montaigne was brought up speaking Latin as his first language and as a boy read Ovid's Metamorphoses for fun.
The Arab British Centre (UK) and the Algerian academic and essayist Mustafa Cherif have won the 2013 UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture.
On a recent trip across the Atlantic, essayist Diane Roberts discovered that Europeans are mesmerized by this year's American presidential campaign.
As the brilliant prosecutor-turned- essayist Andrew McCarthy put it in Human Events, the matter before the Supremes in Medellin v.
Kyle Smith is a reporter, critic, and essayist for the New York Post, the Wall Street Journal, and People.
The English writer and essayist George Orwell was also a great advocate of an economic style and like Vonnegut compiled his own set of rules on how to write well.
Now that the winter solstice is almost upon us, a big turning point each year in the dark North Atlantic, WEEKEND EDITION food essayist Bonny Wolf tries to understand the food's appeal.
The novelist, critic, and essayist has a new book out called Reading Like a Writer, and joins us to answer the question that haunts every frustrated genius: can creative writing be taught?
Located next to the convention center, the stadium would have doubled the mass and length of the huge bunker against the river already established by that "lump of black coal" -- as essayist Phillip Lopate described its dark bulk in his literary trip around the edges of Manhattan -- cutting off views and access with nearly a mile of hulking wall.
In the late 1920s, Tarsila do Amaral, a painter, and her husband, Osvaldo de Andrade, a writer, essayist and art critic, coined the term, anthropophagy, which they saw as a way of constructing a cultural identity by cannibalising other cultures without losing your individuality.
Francis Bacon, a British scientist and essayist, was an early victim of the struggle to develop refrigeration technology: he died in 1626 after eating some chicken that he had stuffed with snow as part of an experiment.
Kinsley, the former New Republic editor (and current TIME essayist), reports that 17, 000 subscribers had signed up by midweek, a big falloff in audience but a necessary step, he argues, if the Webzine is to be a self-sustaining business.
Her father, Clifton Fadiman, who died in June at the age of 95, was a reviewer, critic, essayist and general book collector.
But essayist Jimi Izrael wonders what's accomplished by focusing on the case now.
On the Geoff Dyer-scale, he is a fairly old-fashioned essayist.