He continued, the essence of this tragedy - and note, he says tragedy instead of act of war - the essence of this tragedy, it seems to me, derives from a fundamental absence of empathy on the part of the attackers, an inability to imagine or connect with the humanity and suffering of others.
Kirill Androsov, a Russian who runs Altera Capital, an investment firm, says the essence of enterprise in his country is to keep hold of the resources you control.
"Some people got upset that I wasn't reading the words, but I told them I was giving them the essence of it, " says Mr. Winkler, who played Fonzie on TV's long-running "Happy Days" and many other roles.
He is actually a calm man, an admirer of Seneca, a Roman philosopher, whom he says, was the essence of calmness.
In essence, the theory of comparative advantage says that it pays countries to trade because they are different.
Malkiel was in essence embracing the efficient markets theory that says fund managers as a group cannot outperform the market, so investors who pay big commissions and other management expenses are cheating themselves.
The computational theory of mind, in essence, says that your brain works like a computer.
Below are five key points into which Weiss has distilled the essence of successful deal-making, which he says are equally applicable whether you're dealing with potentially hostile stakeholders on the battlefield, or a fellow boardroom warrior.
CNN: Battlefield to boardroom: The army guide to negotiation
But not too clean: Kramer says he was trying to bring out the essence of Jimi Hendrix.
"They're trying to use antitrust laws to pursue what is in essence a securities case, " says Stephen Shapiro, a lead attorney for the securities firms.
The essence of China's thinking about cyber warfare is the concept of shi, he says, first introduced in Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" about 2, 500 years ago.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Timothy Thomas: Why China Is Reading Your Email