Though no one has yet proved the case, it looks as though the evolution of language and the evolution of theory of mind might not only be two sides of the same coin, but might actually be different specialisations of the same basic structure.
This included setting up a spy network (known as The Sodality of Pius) to report any scholars and scientists suspected of believing things that most Catholics after Vatican II take for granted: freedom of religion, as well as respect for the traditions of non-Catholic faiths, and of course acceptance of the theory of evolution.
The giant tortoises of the Galapagos helped Charles Darwin formulate his theory of evolution after he visited the islands in the 1830s, on his five year voyage aboard HMS Beagle.
CNN: Lonesome George, last of the Pinta Island tortoises, dies
In a number of states, the struggle between religious and secular approaches to education has focused on the teaching of evolution - with disputes over whether Darwin's theory of evolution or the biblical creation story should be taught.
The scientist, who is also a Church of England priest, adds that any teaching should not give the impression that creationism and the theory of evolution are equally valid scientifically.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers 'fear evolution lessons'
If you enter the Jardin des Plantes through the gate nearest to my house you will see a statue overlooking the garden that honours - according to the inscription on the plinthe - the founder of the theory of evolution.
Wallace, who was born in Monmouthshire and also lived in Neath, was the co-discoverer of the theory of evolution by natural selection.
Prof Dawkins is an outspoken supporter of Charles Darwin, the 19th Century British scientist who laid the foundations of the theory of evolution.
It races through ideas: how learned societies emerged, how the theory of evolution affected the way people viewed themselves, how scientific progress brought power to its protagonists.
Along the way it charts Keynes's intellectual progress, showing how events, such as Britain's persistently high joblessness in the 1920s, fed the evolution of his view that classical economic theory was inadequate and that a capitalist economy called for government intervention.
"It would be evolution vs. creationism, " said Kovacs, drawing a bizarre parallel with the famous 1925 Scopes trial on the validity of the theory of evolution.
They also encourage teachers to discuss with their students such things as gaps in the fossil record, molecular evidence, that they say raises questions about the theory of evolution.
The cabinets changed when Darwin's theory of evolution became widely accepted in the late 19th century, with less emphasis on the exceptional, more on showing how each species fitted into the supposed scheme of things.
ECONOMIST: How man has learned, through history, about his habitat
Scientist Alfred Russel Wallace, who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection with Charles Darwin, corresponded with the great and good of 19th Century society.
BBC: Search for Alfred Russel Wallace's 19th Century letters
Here in Kansas what they've done is adopted standards that actually open up the theory of evolution to criticism.
Both the theory of evolution and creationism have valid scientific strengths and weaknesses.
The theory of evolution by natural selection states the "fittest" animals or plants are more likely to survive and reproduce.
If the proponents of the theory of evolution are so sure of their theory, then what are they afraid of?
When asked what observation would disprove the theory of evolution, J.
Letters written by scientist Alfred Russel Wallace, who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection with Charles Darwin, will be published online for the first time.
What they do is raise questions about the scientific theory of evolution.
The authors conclude that their findings support a theory that females may have played a similarly important role in the evolution of tool technology among early humans.
It's Darwin's theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest.
He landed, camped there, left and returned, studied, researched and conceived his earth-shaking theory of evolution, On the Origin of Species, in 1859.
Her theory rests on a new picture of the evolution of the early solar system.
These findings would not have surprised Charles Darwin, who in addition to theorizing on evolution in The Origin of the Species, also developed the Facial Feedback Response Theory, which suggests that the act of smiling actually makes us feel better (rather than smiling being merely a result of feeling good).
His revolutionary theory of evolution had its critics, notably the church, which feared the book undermined religious belief.
Famously visited by Charles Darwin in 1835, the archipelago played a key role in his theory of evolution.
These included well known naturalists such as Alfred Russel Wallace, who collected specimens in the Amazon and Malay Archipelago and independently formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Darwin's letters archived on web
He did indeed develop a theory that species evolve and that the two crucial conditions of evolution were time and favourable conditions, in other words that species adapt to their environment.