Government officials warn that the fighting could lead to the exodus of 500, 000 civilians.
In reaction, they are building their proprietary trading capabilities to stave off the exodus of talent.
Whether mobile apps will help to slow the exodus of mall shoppers remains to be seen.
Then there is the exodus of banks and post offices from the high street.
Even in the regional capital, Cherkasy, a chemical-manufacturing centre with 4, 000 Jews, the exodus is debilitating.
In part, the exodus reflects the status that former Facebook employees have in the tech world.
His agency's investments are aimed at reversing the exodus of locals going overseas for care, he says.
The exodus of trained medical staff had left inexperienced workers trying to provide care, the charity said.
Tonight, Jews will gather for a second Seder, where they will retell the story of the Exodus.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Easter and Passover Greetings from President Obama | The White House
The exodus of black professionals and Korean shopkeepers is more than compensated for by the influx of Latinos.
Experienced social workers are leaving Birmingham for other jobs and his comments are likely to speed up the exodus.
He doesn't see the exodus lessening in the first half of this year.
The international outcry against Britain in the wake of the Exodus affair shamed London into cancelling its new policy.
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The African matrilines, however, seem to have remained isolated from each other for tens of millennia after the exodus.
Also helping: the exodus of competitors like Circuit City and Linens N' Things.
The exodus of working-class residents is creating both commercial problems and political strife.
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The exodus from Goldman Sachs, long a breeding ground of talent for other industries like government, has been particularly acute.
But there is another reason why the exodus may be subdued: because most of the foreign money has already left.
This week, Jewish families gathered around the Seder table, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt and the triumph of faith over oppression.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: President Obama Offers Easter and Passover Greetings | The White House
Ten years ago a young girl left Vietnam with her family, part of the exodus that followed the fall of Saigon.
Of course, blue state boosters can point out that the exodus has slowed with the recession, as opportunities have dried up elsewhere.
To be sure, the exodus of expatriates fleeing pollution hasn't reached the point where it is threatening the operations of global companies.
The exodus from SPDR Gold Shares began in February of this year.
After the state legislature cracked down on the suits, the exodus slowed, but premiums remain astronomically high, especially for specialists like neurosurgeons.
The exodus is putting a kink in a long supply relationship that has reduced costs for American consumers while helping China flourish.
One third will probably have outcomes as predicted by the Exodus models.
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Airlines had to lay on extra flights to cope with the exodus.
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CBF, blames the exodus on the salary gap rather than poor management.
In what order of precedence, with what attendant ceremony was the exodus from the house of bondage to the wilderness of inhabitation effected?