But he said it's still tough to tease apart that segment of the family tree.
On the point of twins, a look at the family tree might help.
Several historians, when confronted with the question, speculated that the basketball bracket could have its roots in another organizational art form: the family tree.
He came from a religious family (the family tree includes a Roman Catholic priest who helped Charles II escape after the battle of Worcester in 1651).
Given the isolation of the islands, and the branching of the family tree, the chances are that all descend from a single off-course flock that arrived about 500, 000 years ago.
ECONOMIST: Feathers are flying in the world of bird classification
Vega is not actually part of the true Greek alphabet (Alpha-Beta) that is so beloved by financial quants etc and yet it fits neatly into the family tree of performance benchmarks.
After using the Ancestry app on my iPad and adding records to my family tree, I easily synced that data with my desktop software by clicking a top-right button when I next opened the Family Tree Maker.
Snobs on its face would seem to be a facile story about a striving, dopey girl who marries for status in a somewhat backwards British society where status of the family tree kind still matters a great deal.
Pritzker's grandchildren were considering the sale of Hyatt (see "Shaking The Family Tree") as part of a plan to bust up their collective fortune, sources told us that bankers--one said specifically that he had spoken with bankers from Goldman Sachs--were talking up a potential Hyatt IPO.
Tom Pritzker also runs Hyatt, which the family reportedly has been prepping for an initial public offering (see " Shaking The Family Tree" and Readers Say), as well as the family's investments in Royal Caribbean Cruises (nyse: RCL - news - people ).
To do so he looked at three well-studied parts of the linguistic family tree: the Bantu languages of Africa, the Indo-European group from Eurasia and the Austronesians of the Pacific.
ECONOMIST: Languages and species evolve in surprisingly similar ways
Recent research has shown that the language family tree as reconstructed by linguists overlaps remarkably well with the one independently drawn for the corresponding people by molecular biologists.
However, the new fossils come from a very different part of the dinosaur family tree.
Toumai (Sahelanthropus tchadensis) was thought to be right at the foot of the human family tree.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Evolution's human and chimp twist
Those famous wines belong to a different branch of the port family tree.
With the family-tree data, they were able to identify nearly 50 men and women who participated in genetic studies.
At the microscopic scale, molecular genetics connects the various parts of the grand family tree with fantastic detail and accuracy.
Fossils from this ancient offshoot of the human family tree, called Australopithecus sediba, were discovered in 2008 at Malapa, near Johannesburg, South Africa.
They proposed yanking the prehistoric creature off the "bird" branch of the evolutionary family tree and moving it onto a closely related lineage of birdlike dinosaurs.
Scanning the teeth of A. sediba, and perhaps other enigmatic creatures such as the Indonesian "hobbit", could further resolve their relationship to other members of the human family tree.
The goose family tree thus revealed held some surprises.
ECONOMIST: Feathers are flying in the world of bird classification
That status was called into question two years ago by Chinese scientists, who proposed yanking it off the "bird" branch of the evolutionary family tree and moving it onto a closely related lineage of birdlike dinosaurs.
With his Treasury spokesman, Vince Cable, Mr Clegg nudged Lib Dem economic policy away from social democracy (one half of the party's family tree) and towards liberalism (the other).
ECONOMIST: The Liberal Democrats prepare for battle��in their own way
There are, of course, many other Christmas traditions - the food, the tree, decorations, family gatherings - and some argue that full pews at Christmas-time should be seen as part of that - a purely cultural thing.
The rise of grandfamilies also highlights another growing branch of America's changing family tree: The single parent household, overwhelmingly headed by mothers.
The family have already planted a tree and daffodils in memory of Jamie there, getting the toddler's friends involved.
Since I last tested Ancestry in 2006, the company has revamped its desktop software program, Family Tree Maker, so the program can synchronize with Web-based data on Ancestry.com.
When they got a match to a surname, the researchers ran numerous Internet searches to collect data on each individual's family tree, including obituaries, which often list the names of a deceased's family members.
The family have already planted a tree and daffodils there in his memory.
But first, for many African Americans the idea of tracing a family tree has been little more than a dream.