• "We were disappointed when the Family Violence Bill was killed, but are happy to see it back in a different form, " says lawyer Ellen Lee.


  • The striking gap between, on the one hand, the elegant polish of the narration, the silver rustle of these exquisite sentences, the poised narrowness of the social satire and, on the other hand, the screaming pain of the family violence inflicted on Patrick makes these books some of the strangest of contemporary novels.

    NEWYORKER: Noble Savages

  • Denmark will also implement new measures to reduce gender-based violence, focusing on increasing the awareness on violence in the family and capacity-building among municipal authorities and front line staff.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Tunisia will also focus on the reactivation of the national strategy to combat violence in the family and against women.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • He depicts the gang violence, family burdens, authoritarian schooling, broken romance, and grinding poverty that proved to be the crucible of his clear-eyed, poetic artistry.

    NEWYORKER: A Time to Live and a Time to Die

  • After the sentencing, a serious case review was published, making seven recommendations for improvements, and said domestic violence involving the family had first been reported in 2003, and again in 2007.

    BBC: Sara Ege: Life jail for son's murder over Koran studies

  • At the same time seeing my family deal with the issues of racism, discrimination, and poverty in a community struggling with drugs and violence and the trying to raise a family in two cultures, our traditional culture and that of society, brought much pain and confusion.

    WHITEHOUSE: Out of Every Experience, You Can Gain a Lesson

  • The family also have been advocates for the so-called Unborn Victims of Violence Act, state legislation that would create a fetal homicide law in North Carolina.

    CNN: Pregnant mom stabbed on her newspaper route

  • The director, Lawrence Kasdan, who co-wrote the script with his wife, Meg, pretends to confront the chaos of contemporary urban life: free-floating anger and violence, racial abrasions, the fragility of family bonds.

    NEWYORKER: Grand Canyon

  • When police received a report involving family violence, they advised the victim -- almost all were women -- to seek support from the family centers.


  • Domestic violence cases in Lebanon are typically heard in the religious courts, which often respond with rulings focused on preserving the family unit, rather protecting women from violence.


  • Family members said Thursday that the violence in Mr. Ward's neighborhood affected him from an early age, when he had to walk six blocks to his elementary school.

    WSJ: Chicago Shooting Highlights a Common Path

  • But they were made to work for the family's block paving business and threatened with violence if they asked for wages or tried to leave.

    BBC: Beds, Herts & Bucks

  • Al-Sadr remains at the center of such violence, according to Newsweek magazine's Babak Dehghanpisheh, because of his family history in the region, his charisma and his ability to engage displaced and disgruntled Iraqis.

    NPR: Who Is Al-Sadr? A Closer Look at the 'Radical Cleric'

  • She comes from Ifreen in Aleppo province, but the violence there forced her to leave with her family.

    BBC: Violence leaves Syrians in desperate economic straits

  • Vivienne Pattison is director of Mediawatch UK, a campaign group that fights for "family values" in the media, and against graphic violence.

    BBC: How unrealistic is murder on television?

  • In cities, by contrast, the problems of poverty are compounded by violence, drugs, family breakdown and child labour.

    ECONOMIST: Anti-poverty programmes

  • This is a big step forward, and happened in part because of the advocacy of family members whose daughters have died because of teen violence.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Both define family violence and outline penalties, which are not in the current charter.


  • But Mr Sumbler said football had moved on from problems of violence in the past and was now attracting a more family-orientated generation of fans.

    BBC: Call for trouble free derby match

  • The examples of the type of calls about self-harming given by the charity show children facing a toxic mix of troubled family relationships, violence, alcohol, bullying and secrecy.

    BBC: Self-harm calls to ChildLine show biggest increase

  • Reports of domestic violence as far back as 2003 were made in the family of a seven-year-old boy whose mother has been jailed for life for killing him, a serious case review has found.

    BBC: Yaseen Ali Ege

  • Four decades after its establishment, SERVOL continues to implement a number of community-based development and educational projects primarily because the socio-economic problems that led to its formation, such as poverty, sharp socio-economic inequalities, youth criminality or gang violence and drug abuse as well as the disintegration of family structures, high illiteracy rates among and lack of livelihood and educational opportunities for the poor majority, remain prevalent in the country today.

    UNESCO: Adolescent Development Programme

  • "We wish to state openly that we believe that there is no place for violence in the name of religion or politics, " the family said.

    CNN: Suspect in UK killing out of hospital, at police station

  • Pilar Sanders was booked into jail Monday night on suspicion of assault family violence, a misdemeanor, according to booking records at the Collin County Jail.


  • Honour crimes involve violence committed by people who want to defend the reputation of their family or community.

    BBC: Stop cultural 'pick-and-mix', warns minister

  • They need not only the education and vocational skills we provide, but also, and most importantly, the emotional and social support that allows them to hope again. 93% of the women participating in our program have lost family members from regional warfare or localized violence.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Those clues include broken family bonds, being bullied as a boy, his being enamored of the culture of violence, particularly of movies.

    CNN: Terror on Trial: Author talks about McVeigh book

  • Fourteen pairs of shoes were placed on the steps of Stormont - each pair representing a woman lost to her family because of domestic violence.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Call over violence against women

  • Concerned, I called up Jessica Miles, an assistant clinical professor at the family law clinic at Seton Hall University School of Law, and an expert on domestic violence-related legal issues.

    FORBES: How Mobile Carriers Are Making Customers Pay For Safety

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