Some 29, 000 Somali children have died from the famine in the past three months alone.
The WFP is the only organisation with the logistical muscle to end the famine quickly.
Along with our international partners, we've saved countless lives from the famine in the Horn of Africa.
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Several women confirmed the group were making it very difficult for people to leave the famine zones.
Yesterday the United Nations issued a warning that the famine is spreading and the situation is getting worse.
Women whose mothers were exposed to the famine early in their pregnancies were especially prone to later obesity.
Yunus spent time with farmers, manual laborers, and village residents to learn the real root causes of the famine.
If the famine lasts until the next rains, that means 100, 000-200, 000 could be at risk there: a dreadful toll.
ECONOMIST: Did the world react too late to signs of famine in Somalia?
And right now, the UN is committed to helping the people suffering from the famine in the Horn of Africa.
In her acceptance speech, she appealed to the audience to "turn their hearts, minds and resources" to the famine in Africa.
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The famine later spread to other areas, including Middle Shabelle, Afgoye, and at camps for displaced people in the government-controlled capital, Mogadishu.
Still, the response to the famine has not been a failure everywhere.
ECONOMIST: Did the world react too late to signs of famine in Somalia?
Mr Cameron should have apologised for the famine says Madhusree Mukherjee, who has written a widely praised history of the Bengali famine.
By local standards, it is a relatively safe area - and as such a magnet for tens of thousands of families fleeing the famine.
Some 50 pages are devoted to a series of articles written in 1939, "The Misery of Kabylia, " detailing life in the famine-stricken northern region.
Her father kept smiling between bites while Veata talked, telling me how he had found his way south to Kampot in 1980, during the famine.
More striking was the phenomenon's sensitivity to timing: sons conceived at the height of the famine (March-April 1945) showed the highest relative risk of schizophrenia.
"We are just coming from a bad drought and the Maasai might associate the famine with this buffalo and kill it, " she told the AFP news agency.
Labour's Hugh Bayley asked what the government was doing to improve security in Somalia, telling MPs that the political situation in the country had made the famine worse.
This was the unheeded lesson from the famine of 1891.
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People need to survive the famine to take advantage of those programs, but the programs also have to be there to eradicate the ongoing cycle that created the famine.
Saacid says it could easily channel far more food into the heart of the famine itself, but has yet to receive extra supplies from the UN and other agencies.
They found that the disease occurred significantly more often in men whose mothers had suffered severe food deprivation during the first three months of pregnancy than in those born outside the famine-afflicted area.
Mr McElduff said it appeared from departmental correspondence that it was not keen on commemorating The Famine, but the minister said there was nothing preventing individual groups from holding commemorations for various events.
But he warned that 400, 000 people, many of them children, were in danger of dying as a result of the famine in Somalia, as he appealed to other nations to "reach deeper into their pockets".
Historically, both the 19th century Irish Potato Famine and the Bengal Famine, in India, are hard lessons in what happens when we rely too much on a small range of species that are hit by disease.
Its impact was demonstrated by reporter Michael Buerk's 1984 report on the Ethiopian famine which inspired the original Live Aid concert the following year.
Mr Blair, critics say, could easily say sorry for the Irish famine, but was never going to apologise for the Iraq war.
Nearly five million people could be on the cusp of famine, the U.N. says.