Mr Thompson's wife Vivienne said that the family faced a worrying time over the festive season.
The money was collected during the year by local people to spend over the festive season.
BBC: Fund for Royal Oak Shrewton Christmas fund theft victims
Party-goers and revellers have been warned to stay safe on Scotland's rail network over the festive season.
There are few complaints from any of the men and women serving in Basra during the festive season.
So the idea that the festive season does more harm to marriage than good does not seem proven.
Police chiefs have also backed a month-long campaign targeting those who drink and drive over the festive season.
For Tracey Ford and her teenage daughter the festive season is going to be just like any other week.
With maximum orders ahead of the festive season, the site is currently producing more than one million per week.
It warns a record 116, 581 children will spend the festive season without a permanent home, with 100, 810 households in temporary accommodation.
The underlying message is that moderation is the only real answer to avoiding the festive season being more about illness than enjoyment.
However skeptical some of us may be, however jaded by increased commercialism, the festive season continues to celebrate humanity, like no other time.
David McCorquodale, head of retail for KPMG, said the figures sent "a worrying signal" about the festive season ahead for retailers in Scotland.
Several MLAs noted that this was a timely motion coming at the beginning of the festive season when drink driving was a particular problem.
After a horror six months of pirate attacks in the waters off Africa, at least 14 vessels remain under pirate control ahead of the festive season.
Other Today guest editors over the festive season have included HSBC chairman Sir John Bond, broadcaster Anna Ford and Steve 'Chandrasonic' Savale, from the band Asian Dub Foundation.
BBC: John Humphrys and David Blunkett on Celebrity Mastermind
In keeping with the festive season Santa Claus will be in Tayto Park from 27 November to 24 December when the entire park will be twinkling with thousands of special LED lights.
While it is hard to get reliable statistics for tablet sales, a survey by YouGov seems to show that the Kindle Fire came from nowhere to challenge for the lead over the festive season.
The much larger FARC, which declared no truce of its own, continued attacks over the festive season killing soldiers and police, but it held two days of talks with the government soon in New Year's week.
Whatever your tipple, the festive season is the one time when we have a genuine reason to splash out on that special bottle to mark the end of year and celebrate with a swathe of parties, dinner and drinks.
Now it boasts three divisions--ferries, ports and logistics, although most U.K. landlubbers know it solely as a means of doing a "booze cruise"--loading up a hired van with cheap beer and wine from French supermarkets for the festive season.
The campaign's online animation delivers a message about how easy it can be to lose count of the amount you drink over the festive season by replacing the birds, rings, lords and ladies in The 12 Days of Christmas with alcoholic drinks.
There is another reason to wear black over the holidays: for those of us who look upon the approach of the festive season with the same level of doom-laden reserve that we would normally muster for a root canal, black seems entirely appropriate.
More people in their loyalty card scheme, more information on their shopping habits (but not their browsing habits, we assume), and if the draw of being able to browse Facebook for free during the festive season brings in a few customers, then that all bubbles through to the bottom line.
FORBES: Every Little (Bit of Wi-Fi) Helps The Bottom Line, as Tesco Put Their Customers Online
Next day, near the Notre Dame Cathedral (I was beginning to blame the Frenchies for all this), there were dozens of Christmas-card sellers vying for space with bridal couples in absurd white satin dresses and morning suits, who had just been married during the auspicious festive season and were posing interminably for photographs.
However, if your brain has not been addled by the mulled wine of this festive season then you will also enjoy the gentle humour of sharp word play along with the mocking of convoluted costume drama dialogue and the associated plot coincidences.
One of the world's most exciting music services, Deezer, will also be launching this festive season on the LG Smart TV platform, available via a subscription.
ENGADGET: Deezer, Eurosport and Napster coming later this month to LG Smart TVs in the UK
To add a touch of scent, she often picks flowers, which can also offer a festive nod to the season.
Perhaps my favourite use of technology this festive season will be the annual Skype call to my brother in Australia.
The pair have scored 22 goals between them for the Alex this season, with Miller scoring in consecutive matches during the festive period to reach double figures for the campaign.
But what's it like to follow these punishing routines after a frenzy of festive season feasting - and does the pain of adhering to a new way of eating pay off?