But the finance minister, Pranab Mukherjee, is her main Bengali rival, and he refuses special help.
However, the finance minister recently announced that the recovery should start to be seen in 2014.
The finance minister gave a frank interview to the BBC's political editor Mark Devenport.
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The finance minister remains vulnerable to a scandal involving a former adviser accused of influence-trafficking.
Critics say that Mr Berlusconi and Giulio Tremonti, the finance minister, have missed an opportunity.
Mauricio Pozo, the finance minister, is an orthodox economist who is liked by investors.
Yet the finance minister shot down the proposal, refusing to include it in his budget.
However, the finance minister said that he thinks the bad times are coming to an end.
The finance minister insisted that the way the government had presented its spending plans were consistent.
Last month the finance minister, Chris Kuruneri, was locked up for alleged foreign-exchange fiddling.
IMF's representative, the finance minister also tried, unsuccessfully, to restrict the repatriation of foreign exchange.
On Monday, Binyamin Netanyahu, the finance minister and Mr Sharon's main rival, joined the referendum call.
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The finance minister is unlikely to reappear in the new cabinet to be appointed next month.
The finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, claimed that his plan included 16 measures to boost the economy.
The finance minister has said that any increases in petrol prices will be gradual.
Christine Lagarde, the finance minister, is well liked and internationally respected, but lacks political clout.
On one side is the solid, if unglamorous, figure of Pedro Solbes, the finance minister.
Or as the Finance Minister put it graphically, the men in black will not be coming.
The finance minister has criticised the ongoing delay for Ulster Bank customers getting access to their money.
Carlos Julio Emanuel, the finance minister, has promised to balance the budget, but won't say exactly how.
Jack McConnell, the finance minister, had worked briefly for Beattie Media before being selected as a candidate.
Pranab Mukherjee, the finance minister, insists there is no correlation between corruption and foreign direct investment (FDI).
At the time, the finance minister, Yashwant Sinha, ruled out a rescue, and the banks held out.
"Alfano could be our candidate for prime minister and I could be the finance minister, " he said.
He also has a longstanding rivalry with the finance minister, Pranab Mukherjee, who is associated with UID.
Up in Georgetown, the finance minister, Bharrat Jagdeo, still projects 3% growth and a manageable budget deficit.
Paul Martin, the finance minister, has gone further than anyone before him to distribute money to universities.
It was easy, Kevin Reid and his colleague suggested, to get meetings in the finance minister's diary.
So on June 21st Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, had another go, his fourth in four years.
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She was the finance minister and Doe wanted her particularly to explain the country's budget to the soldiers.