The fire spread quickly through the two-storey building, damaging the roof, ground and first floors of the house, along with cars parked on the driveway.
Colin Wells, RSPB site manager on the Dee Estuary Reserve, said conditions on the marsh were very brittle and dry, meaning the fire spread quickly.
According to the Associated Press news agency, the fire spread quickly because construction workers had recently applied a flammable wood preservative to the exterior of the building.
BBC: Investigators have not yet disclosed the cause of the fire
Moscow region governor Andrei Vorobyev told Russian state-television that the fire alarm seems to have worked but the fire spread too quickly.
Seven oxygen cylinders being stored in the loft of a house caused the fire which quickly spread to three other properties in the terraced row.
The fire had quickly spread to 10 other mats stored nearby, filling the building with acrid noxious smoke.
"There were shops selling chemicals on the ground floor, which were caught by the fire as it spread very quickly, " he told the AFP news agency.
When the pyrotechnics were set off, the ceiling caught fire, state officials said, and the flames spread quickly.
The fire is believed to have spread quickly due to dry and windy conditions.
The fire service said the workers tried and failed to extinguish the blaze and it spread behind the external cladding "extremely quickly due to the dry nature of the material".
Silva added that firefighters and ambulances responded quickly after the fire broke out, but that it spread too fast inside the packed club for them to help.
The fire started "from out of nowhere" on a stage at the club and quickly spread to the ceiling, witness Jairo Vieira told Band News.
The fire started on the ground floor - which was reportedly used as a warehouse - and quickly spread through the building.
BBC: Dhaka Bangladesh clothes factory fire kills more than 100
And a lot of the fast food restaurants are missing their employees because those rumors kind of spread very quickly, like fire.
Later, the court heard from Mat Lee, from Derbyshire Fire Service, who said the blaze started in the hallway in front of the door and quickly spread upstairs to the three bedrooms.