And according to NACE, the National Association of Colleges and Employers, for the first time in this academic year, college hiring is up.
Problems included the resistance among parents for a single secondary school for Thetford, a change in sponsor and "a large number of staff" leaving at the end of its first academic year and during 2012.
And only one in five parents said they strongly agreed that children should attend college for the experience, no matter their future earnings potential, down from one in three in the 2009-10 academic year, when the question was first asked.
"Frank Sinatra: The Man, The Music, The Legend, " a three-day conference at Hofstra University, is billed as the first academic conference dedicated to the entertainer, who died this year.
The former Labour government had promised an extra 20, 000 for the academic year 2010, but these are only funded directly in the first year.
In the academic year after launching its first version last November, Lore was used in at least one class in 600 universities and colleges.
Watching my newly minted 7th-grade daughter excitedly high-five her friends on the first day, I reminded myself that each new academic year is an opportunity for us as parents, to learn that fine balance between coach and cheerleader.
In the run-up to the first election in yet another new district earlier this year, one academic, Effendi Ghazali, was invited onto a local radio talk show to offer a bit of civic education.
At the start of this academic year, it was introduced for children in their first year of secondary school, and will be rolled out year-on-year until it is implemented for all secondary years.
The UNESCO Global Microscience Experiments Project aims to provide a practical approach to experiencing science for elementary and secondary school students (and in some countries, students in their first academic year), using kits designed especially with a textbook illustrating the various experiments.
Indeed, when they first circulated over a year ago I, together with virtually every academic that commented on the study, urged Professor Seto to control for law school size.