Muto's short-lived tenure as the Fox "mole" wasn't particularly well thought-out in the first place.
The vision is the reason for being in the car and driving in the first place.
FORBES: Vision Is Not The Roadmap, It's The Reason For Having The Map In The First Place
Somebody needs to remind us why this story was interesting in the first place.
FORBES: To Reboot or Not To Reboot: That is Resident Evil's Question
Wales will become the first place in the UK to adopt the opt out system.
Most Americans think decline can be halted, if it even exists in the first place.
It may be that astronomers will have to rethink how galaxies evolve in the first place.
FORBES: Astronomers Find One Of The Biggest Supermassive Black Holes Yet
They are a large part of the reason teachers are so popular in the first place.
One of the hardest tasks will be getting RNAi into the body in the first place.
Kumar, however, contends that the patent should not have been given in the first place.
FORBES: How Shut Down A Competitor--And Broke Up Its Funding Round
Then why not just project a larger image onto a larger screen in the first place?
Then, of course, there were the costs incurred to put him there in the first place.
What they neglect to consider is why the city exists in the first place.
Not to mention, approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the first place.
FORBES: A New Wave Of Product Liability Against Drug Makers? Tomorrow The Supreme Court Decides
Mr Obama comes close to agreeing with those who backed the invasion in the first place.
But should we be experimenting with something so fundamental as ageing in the first place?
BBC: Stop, rewind: the scientists slowing the ageing process
But got to give them credit for being in that situation in the first place.
Another tack is to try to prevent runs on banks in the first place.
The real question is why we are even having a healthcare problem in the first place.
These forces were, directly or indirectly, responsible for the country's economic collapse in the first place.
"The first place to start is to stop putting public money towards fossil fuels, " he adds.
But the better approach would be to avoid a dearth of data in the first place.
The first place to start is figuring out which form a small business needs to file.
And then, there are the Twitterers who surprise you by being there in the first place.
But Eli Lilly is the company that established the market for antidepressants in the first place.
It's known as deterrence, which is how to avoid armed conflict in the first place.
Both miss the essential point of how Spider-Man revolutionized comic books in the first place.
That the Girl Scouts conducted the interviews in the first place is telling, if not surprising.
FORBES: Are Today's Girl Scouts In Danger Of Growing Up Broke?
There were so few supermodels that are, you know, that were African-American in the first place.
Exactly why the firm let the material be gathered in the first place is still unclear.
And I want you to remember why we do this in the first place.