What specifically does he want to do that he didn't in the first term?
He said that it was folly to try to accomplish everything in the first term.
In the first term, they reluctantly moderate their demands, recognising the need to get their man re-elected.
But in the first term Democrats were on the defensive about tax cuts, and loth to oppose them.
And do you still remain committed to cutting the deficit in half by the end of the first term?
He looks forward to building on the achievements made in the first term.
He is committed to continuing and building on the progress that was made in the first term, in his first term.
More significant, both were highly polarizing, at least in the first term.
WSJ: James Taranto: The Difference Between 43 and 44? Not So Much
And there are new questions about his ties to big oil companies as he developed the administration's energy policy in the first term.
What I can say is that when it comes to Cabinet service, the President's Cabinet in the first term had remarkably low turnover, historically.
This doesn't mean the United States will make the world safer by adopting the recklessness of the first term of George W. Bush's administration.
In the first term, the focus was on headline-hogging conflicts in Ivory Coast, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan and even a close-run election in Zambia.
Many scientists predict that the entire north polar ice cap may be completely gone during summer months in the first term of the next president.
We should not make our primary focus the markets even after the election, the end of year, the first term of the new administration or even the second term.
Brennan withdrew his name from consideration for the CIA in the first term because of statements he made in support of "enhanced interrogation techniques" against detainees.
Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs noted Monday that AARP was opposed to health care reform during the first term of former President Bill Clinton in the early 1990s.
CNN: Obama praises drug industry deal to cut costs for elderly
Many scientists predict -- shockingly -- that the entire North Polar ice cap may be completely gone during summer months during the first term of the next president.
But, compared with the alternative of a second chamber with real power and real legitimacy, it's a sad end to the hopes and promises of the first term.
After the convention, when he laid out his specific five-point plan that builds on his accomplishments and goals in the first term, we saw a bump in the polls.
Apart from getting rid of Mr Cook, a major irritant, it has brought back Brown loyalists sacked in the first term, such as Harriet Harman, now given the job of solicitor-general.
Ultimately, to resolve major issues like deficits, immigration, guns and energy, the president and Congress need to find ways to work together much better than they did in the first term.
The prize for the first term may not just be to make your police more accountable - but to convince you to vote at all the next time PCCs come canvassing.
Instead of the conciliatory Obama of the first term, we have seen a hard-nosed pugilist who paints Republicans as wackos ready to hurt senior citizens and starve children to protect the rich.
The first term of the George W. Bush presidency and what has come to be known as the "Bush Doctrine" were marked by a profound and forceful reaction to September 11, 2001.
So he looks at this in a more holistic way, and he will move forward in implementing some of the actions that he took in the first term, and building on the progress that was made in the first term.
And because Mr Bush does not have enough support to dictate terms to Congress (as he did with tax cuts in the first term), he has had to let Congress choose the particular reform, hoping to attract more votes for change that way.
As Fiona enters sixth form, Geoff and Suzanne would need to start moving some of their gains into cash - so that as she starts packing for the first term at university, they have enough in cash to meet their anticipated year one expenditure.