Yorkshire Water claims the station at Kingswood would provide five-times the level of flood protection for the area.
In all, 1.1m tonnes of earth and rock were excavated in the construction of the 2010 course, flattening out the harsh gradients of the back nine, and using the aggregate to raise the opening holes above the level of the Usk's flood plain.
The Wabash River in Tippecanoe County reached more than 14 feet above flood stage on Saturday, the highest level since 1958.
Much more could be done at the local level in terms of upgrading flood defences and, particularly, in forcing property developers to pay the full cost of maintaining those defences.
The cleanest approach would be to get rid of federal flood insurance entirely and let the private market price the risks of living below sea level or in flood-prone areas.
The Elwy reached its highest recorded level breaching flood defences designed to cope with a one in 100-year event, says the report.
Flood stage at Vicksburg, the level at which the river may begin flowing over its banks, is 43 feet.
CNN: Jindal: Morganza Spillway could open as early as Saturday
By feeding into his model both some recent science on the increased risks of dramatic climate change, and the possibility of such catastrophes as a rise in sea level big enough to flood London and New York, he calculates that the range of possible outcomes lies somewhere between 5% and 20% of global output over the next century or two.
An earthquake could flood much of the Delta, which is below sea level.
"We're preparing for what we call level three flood operations, which is the major flood event, " a regional State Emergency Service operations controller, Darren Winkler, told ABC.
Other work includes new flood walls and embankments in the city centre and the level of some sections of road at North Bridge has also been slightly raised.
The flood insurance wouldn't cover most of the damage to the lower level, which they called a basement.
Earlier this month, the City of Boston recently released a report showing potential flood regions in the city that have expanded as a result of sea level rise over the next few decades due to climate change.
They cite the example of the Philippines, where policymakers are wringing their hands about a possible gradual climate-change-mediated rise in sea level from 1 to 3 millimeters per year while ignoring the primary cause of enhanced flood risk.
Scientists have gone ahead and started to map sea-level-rise scenarios in New Jersey, New York City and flood-prone communities along the Gulf of Mexico to help guide local development and planning.