Already reeling from the flu, I grew more nauseated as I sloshed in the wind-whipped waves.
The video should inform and motivate people to take steps to prevent the flu.
"I felt like I had the cold, the flu, something like that " she said.
We exchanged letters every Christmas until he passed away in the flu epidemic of 1918.
Most times, they already have health problems that the flu makes worse, he said.
Worldwide, the annual death toll from the flu is estimated to be between 250, 000 and 500, 000.
If you caught the flu this winter, you know how miserable it can be.
Imagine how it would affect your life if you had the flu all the time.
She attributes this to an earlier start of the flu season and outreach efforts.
She said she has not heard of any students being hospitalized because of the flu.
We're in a time in which the normal course of the flu season is winding down.
We also do lots of vaccinations, things for travel vaccines, flu shots during the flu season.
Although its protective action won't take effect for about two weeks, the flu season hasn't peaked.
DeBoer said C Travis Zajac missed portions of the game because of the flu.
The flu shot is still a good idea for everyone over 6 months of age.
About 90 percent of Americans who die from the flu are 65 or older.
Others shared Paul's sentiment, saying the fear of the flu has gotten out of hand.
The man stays home from work again the next day, claiming to have the flu.
Authorities earlier had said the flu vaccine was 62% effective for adults and children.
Pregnancy increases the risk of certain medical problems and creating complications from the flu, Schuchat said.
"She had a serious case of the flu recently, and we barely saved her, " Vera says.
How many people who received the vaccine and got the flu had a milder case?
The captain was likely suffering from food poisoning or the flu, Alaska Airlines said Friday.
At O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, travel warnings about the flu are being distributed.
The organism Ignacio Cirac and Oriol Romero-Isart have in mind is the flu virus.
She wanted me to chart that I actually gave the Flu shots but I refused.
Elderly people, kids, and those with compromised immune systems are at particular risk with the flu.
The GlaxoSmithKline drug has been available since 1999 and stops the flu virus from spreading.
Those people who are currently ill with a fever should not receive the flu vaccine.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as this can spread the flu virus to others.