In a stricken euro-zone country, it would change hands at a discount to the remaining euros in circulation, foreshadowing the devaluation to come.
It went on to say Mitnick, as a teenager, had hacked the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad), foreshadowing the movie War Games.
Money, and the need to make lots of it, is a recurrent theme, foreshadowing the obsessive role it would play later in Yetnikoff's life.
This little joke, lighthearted as it was at the time, serves as an ironic foreshadowing for what the microblogging site would evolve into.
FORBES: Twitter Will Cause Our Generation's War Of The Worlds
Brit reportedly collapsed shortly after midnight from partying or exhaustion, foreshadowing the rest of her year.
Many people saw this as foreshadowing the victory of Bill Clinton as president in 1992.
Guided by Mr Tremonti, author of a book foreshadowing the credit crunch, the government has embraced Sarkozyite ambiguity.
ECONOMIST: Italy and the G8 summit: A cavalier preparing to host the world | The
NetFlix CEO Hastings sent customers an email foreshadowing the two separate structures, one website for streaming and one website for DVDs.
Foreshadowing the budget battle that lies ahead, House Democratic leader Dick Gephardt accused Republicans of trying to rush through the budget process, and change budget details in the process.
CNN: AllPolitics - Gephardt Accuses Republicans Of Trying To Rush Budget Process
As we poke about the town, which spirals up out of the plain like the tip of a caramel ice cream cone, the first snowflakes drift down, foreshadowing an impending storm.
An early ObamaCare health insurance program that has been operating for nearly three years is foreshadowing big problems to come with the larger health overhaul law.
FORBES: A Temporary Insurance Program Foretells Exploding Obamacare Costs
To keep his momentum going through all these interruptions, Winchester gets a bit breathless and repetitive with his foreshadowing, reminding us again and again that the mountain eventually will blow itself to smithereens.
Director Rich Moore and the writing team prove to be experts at both pacing and foreshadowing.
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In contrast, "Passion" is intentionally humorless, although the first duet between Giorgio and Clara definitely contains an ironic foreshadowing.
Foreshadowing, perhaps, his later display of constitutional consistency in the Ghailani case, Kaplan stressed that these were not simply privileges due to white-collar defendants.
The Doctor is reading from a noir mystery book with the last page ripped out, because he hates endings (but not, apparently, foreshadowing).
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