• The learners follow the same curriculum of the formal system.

    UNESCO: Non-Formal and Continuing Education Programme

  • Because the literacy programme provides an alternative and accelerated route back into the formal education system, the methodologies and approaches used are designed to equip learners with the skills they need to succeed at higher learning levels.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Brazil

  • There is no summative exam, but learners are given the option to have their learning certified, allowing them to move into the formal educational system from sixth grade of primary level onwards after completion of the programme.

    UNESCO: Z�� Pe?o School Project

  • Sharia never entrusted its enforcement only to the formal legal system.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The scandal of apostate killing

  • In most cases, youths and adults with limited basic literacy skills find it difficult to re-enroll in the formal education system due to family commitments and the fear of being stigmatized.

    UNESCO: Ich will lernen (I want to learn)

  • Around 100 have graduated into the formal education system, and many of the rest have learned enough to decipher the English instructions on packets of veterinary drugs, and to haggle more competently with livestock traders.

    ECONOMIST: Why the Masai send their slower children to school

  • The integration of the two systems has enabled learners from the non-formal sector to eventually rejoin and gain qualifications that are administered and sanctioned by the State just like as it is for learners following the formal education system.

    UNESCO: Adult Learning and Illiteracy Elimination Programme

  • Given that not all students can participate for thirty hours each week due to having part-time jobs or family responsibilities, the flexibility at CECAP appeals to students who were unable to cope with the strict nature of the formal education system.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Uruguay

  • Mayangna representatives particularly emphasized the need for support to integrate the book into the Mayangna formal education system.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Young children have been helped to acquire basic literacy skills before being enrolled into the formal primary school system while, on the other hand, youths and adults have benefitted from basic literacy and vocational skills training.

    UNESCO: Community Library and Resource Centres

  • So the health system for formal-sector workers continues to be short-changed.

    ECONOMIST: Working in the official economy has its drawbacks

  • Other possible reasons for under-recording suggested by the ONS include more low-level crimes being dealt with informally and outside the formal crime-recording system, with officers given greater discretion.

    BBC: Fall in crime in England and Wales 'may be exaggerated'

  • Research shows that one of the highest risk times for violence in people who develop a psychotic illness is their first episode -- the period right before they establish any record with the formal mental health care system.

    CNN: Looking into the minds of killers

  • The traditional system of emphasising investment in formal education at the expense of adult literacy and education programmes has, however, worsened the situation.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Peru

  • By 1998, the Mexicans had had enough, and brought a formal complaint under the NAFTA dispute settlement system, and in 2001, prevailed with a unanimous panel decision that found the United States in violation of the agreement, and ruled that Mexican trucks meeting U.S. safety standards had to be given access to the U.S. market.

    FORBES: Mexico Is Right To Retaliate Over U.S. Ban On Mexican Trucks

  • If the next presidency is to show true seriousness on reducing inequality as it has developed in recent generations in this country, a formal reform of the monetary system in the direction of permanent dollar stability will be required.

    FORBES: Inequality Is The Child Of Fiat Money

  • In Oaxaca, the state government hopes to pass legislation in the coming legislative term (ie, the next six months) to launch a five-year reform process leading to the formal installation of a new legal system.

    ECONOMIST: The long path towards justice

  • During the past twenty years, the Nicaraguan education system has taken important strides towards ensuring that formal education accommodates the unique needs of indigenous children through its new curriculum which allows for locally appropriate adjustments and additions to be made.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • However, the massive growth projected for these innovations so far takes place outside the formal banking sector, in informal, unregulated networks and outside of the banking system.

    FORBES: What Is The Next Banking Crisis? (Hint: It Cannot Be Solved With Money)

  • The system will combine what are called formal argumentation techniques with Natural Language Generation (NLG), which essentially converts complex information and data into text summaries.

    BBC: Robots and humans could 'talk' via new software

  • Some say that a formal debt-restructuring system will raise the cost of borrowing and frighten skittish markets.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • It lays the foundations for a national system of recognition, validation and certification for the competencies that adults have acquired through formal, non-formal and informal channels.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Cape Verde

  • When the company eliminated formal reviews in the 1990s, it didn't replace them with another clear-cut feedback system.

    WSJ: Performance Reviews Lose Steam

  • One popular idea for minimising such instability is a more formal system of currency co-operation between the world's major economies.

    ECONOMIST: Why non-Europeans should care about EMU

  • Laser event reports have increased steadily since 2005, when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) created a formal reporting system to collect information from pilots.

    FORBES: The Growing Threat of Lasers Pointed At Airplanes

  • Strauss-Kahn is now at a point in the French legal system that comes after an arrest and before formal charges are filed.

    CNN: Strauss-Kahn lawyers fight against prostitutes claim

  • If such a formal accreditation system could be established it would raise the prospect of online students anywhere in the world being able to study for a degree with famous universities, at a cost that is likely to be much lower than a traditional campus-based course.

    BBC: Gates Foundation funds online university open access

  • But Labour is accused of systematically manipulating the media in advance of formal announcements, and elevating spin into a system of government.

    ECONOMIST: Parliament

  • Although this system is not governed by a formal treaty like the one that binds the 17-nation eurozone, it has given rise to a virtual bloc of currencies that are unnaturally tethered, even while the underlying economics are drifting apart.

    FORBES: Germany And China Have The Gold And Will Make The Rules

  • However, with support from international organizations, the government set to restructure the education system by introducing laws such as free and compulsory education for children up to age 16, and increased the budgets for school system expansion, human resources development and adult non-formal education programmes.

    UNESCO: Herder Families Literacy and Life Skills

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