Rights enshrined in the Act include the right to liberty and security, the right to a fair trial, the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and the right to freedom of expression.
The rights and freedoms secured by the Convention include the right to life, the right to a fair hearing, the right to respect for private and family life, freedom of expression, freedom of thought, conscience and religion and the protection of property.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression.
Now that Indonesia is a democracy, the constitutional guarantee of freedom of worship might be thought to trump all other arguments.
ECONOMIST: Religious freedom is put at risk by political expediency
They argued their employers' actions went against articles 9 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protected their rights to "freedom of thought, conscience and religion" and prohibited religious discrimination.
BBC: British Airways Christian employee Nadia Eweida wins case
They say their employers' actions went against articles nine and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protect their right to "freedom of thought, conscience and religion" and prohibit religious discrimination.
Mr Reitemeier said the government was planning to restrict the freedom of children without having asked them what they thought.
"The mere potential for the exercise of that power casts a chill, a chill the First Amendment cannot permit if free speech, thought, and discourse are to remain the foundation of our freedom, " Justice Kennedy added.
It is also a monument to the strength of the human spirit which, in appalling conditions of adversity, resisted the efforts of the German Nazi regime to suppress freedom and free thought and to wipe out whole races.
Initially, though, there was a lot of hostility among the young, who thought their freedom was going to be curbed by a curfew.
But the Mayottais, not unnaturally, fiercely resist any thought of freedom.
Freedom of thought and freedom of expression are essential in the pursuit of reason.
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"Every American who believes in freedom of thought and religious liberty should be alarmed by the attacks upon the Boy Scouts, who have had core convictions about morality for 100 years, " the ad said.
Borrowing from the Tim Ferriss school of thought, I find money to be merely an enabler of freedom.
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Defending the publication, Sun newspaper managing editor David Dinsmore told the BBC the paper had "thought long and hard" about whether to use the pictures and argued it was an issue of freedom of the press.