We must also place science at the service of all, while observing the fundamental rights of the individual.
He had also appeared on television as part of a campaign highlighting the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the constitution.
Tunisia: Tunisia reaffirms, in this crucial stage of building its republic, the principles of equality between the sexes and the fundamental rights of women and the rejection of all forms of discrimination.
And the fact that there is now agreement across this house between all parties shows the watching world that this is not about party politics but the fundamental rights of victims and their families.
Recently, the EU adopted an internet freedom provision, stating that any measures taken by member states that may affect citizen's access to or use of the internet "must respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens".
Whatever your own constitutional perspective may be when it comes to the propriety of either state or federal government establishing an official religion, each of us must consider the impact such a practice would likely have on the fundamental rights we have long valued as Americans.
The thinking in Brussels, I am told, is that it should be possible to meet his demands with a legally binding declaration or summit conclusions from the assembled heads of government, stating that nothing in the Lisbon treaty or the Charter of Fundamental Rights changes the historical settlements on property claims by the descendants of expelled Germans.
It's an American case, with principles that affect the fundamental human rights of all Americans.
Public education is one of the most fundamental rights of American citizens.
WHITEHOUSE: Transforming Communities through Public Education
We persuaded our partners that the charter of fundamental rights should list the rights of Europe's citizens but not extend the powers of the Union.
Tuesday's ruling found that the proposition restricted the designation of marriage "while not otherwise affecting the fundamental constitutional rights of same-sex couples, " as Chief Justice Ronald George wrote.
He provided MEPs with written assurances that he would respect the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, the rights of women and gay rights, a European Parliament statement said.
Alongside the unnecessary and intrusive charter of fundamental rights and the mad idea of giving the undeserving European Parliament more powers, Lisbon improves the EU's voting system, partly sorts out a muddled foreign-policy structure and creates a permanent presidency of the European Council in place of the present six-month, rotating one.
Negotiating States underlined that the draft Agreement respects fundamental rights and freedoms and does not go against the provisions of World Trade Organization (WTO) TRIPS Agreement (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights).
Mr Cameron also wants a watertight opt-out from the charter of fundamental rights .
The treaty gives legal force to the Charter of Fundamental Rights, a sweeping catalogue of social and civil rights.
ECONOMIST: The small print of a notably complicated document
The British remain unhappy with aspects of the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The British suggested that it should be made clear that the constitution's Charter of Fundamental Rights would not limit the rights of managers to sack workers.
For instance, it entrenched in law the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights, which gives workers the right to free job-placement help.
They argued that the measures are disproportionate, risk fundamental rights and freedoms and that the text is too vague, leaving it too open to interpretation.
The sessions were held in the hall of the former palace Le Bardo with members of the Commission on the Preamble and Fundamental Values and the Commission on Rights and Freedoms, which are responsible for developing the first two chapters of the future Tunisian constitution.
Ever since then, UNESCO as the UN agency with the mandate to promote freedom of expression and its corollary, freedom of the press, has been promoting these fundamental rights in every region of the world.
She claimed that the role of MEPs should be to debate fundamental rights "rather than simply the shape of cucumbers".
Access to transportation is one of the most fundamental of American rights.
WHITEHOUSE: Equal Access to Transportation: A Right for All Americans
In 2012, the celebration is stressing the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities, as their vulnerable position often makes it difficult for them to assert their rights.
This, too, is an unfamiliar turn of events for a country that until recently saw the European charter of fundamental rights as much too lax in its defence of personal freedom.
The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirms that States are duty-bound, as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and in other international human rights instruments, to ensure that education is aimed at strengthening the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Created in 1994, the MOST Programme aims to put social and human sciences at the service of sustainable development by encouraging research directed towards the formulation of policies which respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, to face the main challenges of the contemporary world.
UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
It was challenged in the courts on the ground that it violates fundamental rights.
The fight against poverty must go hand in hand with efforts to guarantee the enjoyment of all fundamental human rights.